react-rangeslider copied to clipboard
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getBoundingClientRect' of null
I am still investigating whether or not my code caused this, but it seems that there is never a check to prevent node from being null
var node = _this.slider;
var coordinateStyle = constants.orientation[orientation].coordinate;
var directionStyle = reverse ? constants.orientation[orientation].reverseDirection : constants.orientation[orientation].direction;
var clientCoordinateStyle = 'client' + (0, _utils.capitalize)(coordinateStyle);
var coordinate = !e.touches ? e[clientCoordinateStyle] : e.touches[0][clientCoordinateStyle];
var direction = node.getBoundingClientRect()[directionStyle];
Is this expected behavior from rangeslider?
I have successfully recreated my error, as it only happens when my react component disappears (because it gets turned off and gets replaced). Is there a way I can prevent this error from happening?
Same issue for me. Any progress?
i doubt it
I have the same issue and no resolution.
Per Darthzeran's observation, I tried adding a check and it indeed fixed the error for me.
Starting around line 194 in the _this.position function:
` if(_this.slider) {
var node = _this.slider;
var coordinateStyle = constants.orientation[orientation].coordinate;
var directionStyle = reverse ? constants.orientation[orientation].reverseDirection : constants.orientation[orientation].direction;
var clientCoordinateStyle = 'client' + (0, _utils.capitalize)(coordinateStyle);
var coordinate = !e.touches ? e[clientCoordinateStyle] : e.touches[0][clientCoordinateStyle];
var direction = node.getBoundingClientRect()[directionStyle];
var pos = reverse ? direction - coordinate - grab : coordinate - direction - grab;
var value = _this.getValueFromPosition(pos);
return value;