Ryan Bowman
Ryan Bowman
@gockle , Yes. I updated to 1.4 when it came out.
i can confirm this behavior as well. running win11 0.77.5. I have to add both variations to my ignore_templates section to get it to properly ignore while the templates section...
> We have it in our CI/CD pipeline to run on deployments to Dev/QA/Prod.. short term fix would be to turn it off for dev, of course. One option, as...
i saw the rc1 released yesterday. i ran it against one my pipelines CF stacks. It returned a many findings, though basically the same 3-5 findings repeatedly. Where would you...
E3001 and E3030 are the most seen errors. Below are the unique errors and a snippet example. ### E3030 - {'Fn::FindInMap': ['StaticParams', 'S3EmptierLambda', 'LambdaOSArchitechture']} is not one of ['x86_64', 'arm64']...
Mappings: ClientVpn: Fn::Transform: Name: AWS::Include Parameters: Location: !Sub 's3://${Region}-${Environment}-infra-pipeline-bucket-${AWS::AccountId}/resource-sync/transforms/cvpn/mapping-cvpn-${ClientVpnPurpose}.yaml' Conditions: ConditionCreateCrossRegionAuthRules: !Or - !Condition ConditionCreateAuthorizationRulesUse1 - !Condition ConditionCreateAuthorizationRulesUse2 - !Condition ConditionCreateAuthorizationRulesUsw2 - !Condition ConditionCreateAuthorizationRulesAps1 ConditionCreateAuthorizationRulesUse1: !Equals [!FindInMap [ClientVpn, Enabled, use1],...
down to a single error code now. E1010 E1010 'EndpointIds' is not one of ['FirewallId', 'ResourceArn'] templates/common/vpc/vpc.yaml:854:7 ``` NetworkFirewallVpceAz3: Type: Custom::FirewallVpceFinder Condition: ConditionCreatePublicSubnetsAz3 Properties: ServiceToken: Fn::ImportValue: !Sub '${Region}-${VpcName}-lambda-firewall-vpce-finder-fn-arn' EndpointIds: !GetAtt...
yep. no problem. I'll run it against some of my other repos too and see what else I get
Do you want me to continue putting these here or open new issues for each? E3510 datetime.date(2012, 10, 17) is not one of ['2008-10-17', '2012-10-17'] (easy enough to fix on...
``` PS C:\github-projects\github\cfn-lint> tox -e py310 py310: commands[0]> pip install -e . Obtaining file:///C:/github-projects/github/cfn-lint Installing build dependencies: started Installing build dependencies: finished with status 'done' Checking if build backend supports...