commitlint-config-cz copied to clipboard
How to generate custom commit CHANGELOG
I used the self -defined commit type
// .cz-config.js
'use strict';
module.exports = {
types: [
value: ':rocket: release',
name: '🚀 release: 发布版本/发布标签',
value: ':construction: WIP',
name: '💪 WIP: 正在进行的工作',
value: ':sparkles: feat',
name: '✨ feat: 新的特性',
value: ':bug: fix',
name: '🐛 fix: 修复Bug',
value: ':wrench: CI',
name: '🔧 CI: 目录结构变更(CI, Building, Tool...)',
value: ':pencil: docs',
name: '📝 docs: 仅文档更改',
value: ':twisted_rightwards_arrows: merge',
name: '🔀 merge: 合并分支',
value: ':rewind: revert',
name: '⏪ revert: 版本回滚',
value: ':white_check_mark: test',
name: '✅ test: 添加缺失的测试或更正现有测试',
value: ':chart_with_upwards_trend: perf',
name: '📈 perf: 提高性能的代码更改',
value: ':thought_balloon: chore',
name: '🗯 chore: 不修改src或测试文件的更改。例如更新构建任务、包管理器',
value: ':lipstick: ui',
name: '💄 UI: 更新UI和样式文件。',
value: ':art: style',
name: '🎨 style: 不影响代码含义的更改(空白、格式、缺少分号等)',
value: ':package: dep_up',
name: '📦 dep_up: 更新已编译的文件或包。',
value: ':hammer: refactor',
name: '🔨 refactor: 既不修复错误也不添加功能的代码更改',
value: ':truck: mv',
name: '🚚 mv: 移动或重命名文件。',
scopes: [],
messages: {
type: '选择一种你的提交类型:',
scope: '选择一个scope (可选):',
// used if allowCustomScopes is true
customScope: '表示该变更的范围:',
subject: '短说明:\n',
body: '长说明,使用"|"换行(可选):\n',
breaking: '非兼容性说明 (可选):\n',
footer: '关联关闭的issue,例如:#31, #34(可选):\n',
confirmCommit: '确定提交说明? yes/no',
allowCustomScopes: true,
allowBreakingChanges: ['feat', 'fix'],
There is no problem in submitting all of this
But when I generated CHANGELOG, the format was incorrect
"version": "conventional-changelog -p cz-customizable -i -s -r 0 -n && git add "
I specify the parser as cz-customizable,
Otherwise, these custom commit type cannot be written to CHANGELOG normally