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JavaScript library for parsing Dirtywave M8 files, complete with a CLI for interacting with M8 files.


This repository contains a JavaScript library for parsing Dirtywave M8 files, as well as a CLI for interacting with M8 files. The hopes are not to provide yet another UI for M8 files, or to create any sort of competing product, but to provide programmatic access to the M8 resources stored in the M8 files for things like third-party features (things that maybe M8 doesn't support itself, but you find useful) and utilities.

Current Status

As of version v0.1.0, m8-js has the ability to read and write all known M8 file types. The API and its object model are pretty solid, complete with unit test over 99% code coverage. The CLI is equally solid, also unit tested with over 99% code coverage.



Installation is performed by issuing the following command:

npm install m8-js --global

Once you do this, m8 should be available.


Or you can use a local development installation by cloning this repository and installing its dependencies via npm install.

Once you do this, ./bin/m8 should be available.

CLI Usage

m8 --help or m8 help should give you enough of a starting point for now. Just know that all commands support the --help flag for command-specific help.

API Documentation

API documentation is generated from the code's jsdoc and is located here: docs/API.md.


When I initially started this effort, the only resource I could find to start this journey was this: https://gist.github.com/ftsf/223b0fc761339b3c23dda7dd891514d9 Using this, a hex editor and some time on the Dirtywave M8 Discord, this project came to life. Thanks @impbox!