ob-randr icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ob-randr copied to clipboard

OpenBox pipemenu for using xrandr

======== ob-randr

Creates an interactive pipe menu for the OpenBox window manager to allow users easy access to xrandr information and actions.

.. image:: https://github.com/whiteinge/ob-randr/raw/master/ob-randr.png

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the script: https://github.com/whiteinge/ob-randr/raw/master/ob-randr.py

  2. Put it somewhere that makes sense::

    mv ob-randr.py $HOME/.config/openbox
  3. Make it executable::

    chmod 755 $HOME/.config/openbox/ob-randr.py
  4. Edit your $HOME/.config/openbox/menu.xml file and put this near the top inside <openbox_menu>::

    <menu id="randr-menu" label="randr" execute="~/.config/openbox/ob-randr.py" />
  5. Add this inside the menu section that you want the menu to appear in::

    <menu id="randr-menu" />

Configuration File

You can easily add custom commands to the menu by creating the file $HOME/.ob-randrrc. The syntax looks like this::


portrait: --output LVDS --primary --mode 1366x768 --output VGA-0 --mode 1440x900 --left-of LVDS --rotate left


zoom out: --output LVDS --scale 1.3x1.3
zoom in: --output LVDS --panning 1280x1024

The idea is that you can create machine-specific shortcuts. For example, with my laptop at home I frequently connect to an external widescreen display turned sideways. On my netbook, I frequently 'zoom out' to a higher resolution in scaled-out mode or 'zoom in' to a higher resolution in panning mode.