Dalsoo-Bin-Packing copied to clipboard
How to run?
How to run this application? Could you give an example?
Hi, vikingee
There is TestMultiSheets1b.java as an example. It uses an external library core.jar (https://processing.org) for displaying the 3D shapes.
You can replace the data in double[][][] randompolys; //the input polygons with the data of the polygons that you want to pack.
best Hua
To input cad drawing, you may use https://github.com/whitegreen/Import-DXF
I cant get it to run
javac -cp '.:processing.core.jar:pack.core.jar' TestMultiSheets1b.java
TestMultiSheets1b.java:9: error: package processing.core does not exist
import processing.core.PApplet;
[ @ Dalsoo-Bin-Packing]$ ls *
dalsoo.jar LICENSE multiple.png README.md single.png TestMultiSheets1b.java
Convex.java core.jar M.java Pack.java Strip.java
Dear friend, I suppose you need core.jar (a third part library for visualization) to run the example. I uploaded core.jar today.
thank you! The core.jar I found seems to be different.