Whindmar Saksit
Whindmar Saksit
95 only has toolhelp. NT4 only has performance counters (and the undocumented NT API) but the psapi redistributable was fairly popular and easier to use. 2000 has all of the...
> CryptEnumProvidersA Which version of IE do you have? First install IE4 with the shell update, then install 6.0 SP1.
> Otherwise fall-through into the original non-atomic one [Win98 used a driver](https://web.archive.org/web/20190213060128/https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20040506-00/?p=39463) for this when running on a 386
While the minimum requirements of Windows 95 is a 386 with 4MB RAM, it is not really a useful system and will start swapping as soon as you do anything....
> this project isn't about being practical, it's about pushing the limits. The problem is, supporting the 386 will make everyone slower because the code has to branch or do...
> This is done on purpose as Program Files does not provide the wanted access rights and another not needed space in path. And I did not change that, only...
> So calling that "hardcoded" is a bit stretched imho It is. The .nsi uses `InstallDirRegKey` but that can never actually work as intended because it will always be overridden...
> But the changing of the default path is not. It does no such thing for any user where ProgramFiles is on drive C:\\ (99% percent of users?). > And...