WHID copied to clipboard
Help with language da-DK
i got hold if a cactus WHID, but i seem to have a problem with the language packs available, i downloaded the layouts and tried the automated solution as well, i have tried to replace the ASCIImap section with the one from the language file with no luck and tried the automated solution by copying the whole file and this solution didnt work either, i can get it running but all chars requiring ALTgr fail such as @, $.
my approach is as follows, update the keyboard.cpp file with the danish ASCIImap Flash the lilly compile ESP_code upload the arduino_32u4_Code
am i missing something ?
this is the part copied/replaced in to the keyboard.cpp with the excisting #define #define SHIFT 0x80 const uint8_t _asciimap[128] = { 0x00, // NUL 0x00, // SOH 0x00, // STX 0x00, // ETX 0x00, // EOT 0x00, // ENQ 0x00, // ACK 0x00, // BEL 0x2a, // BS Backspace 0x2b, // TAB Tab 0x28, // LF Enter 0x00, // VT 0x00, // FF 0x00, // CR 0x00, // SO 0x00, // SI 0x00, // DEL 0x00, // DC1 0x00, // DC2 0x00, // DC3 0x00, // DC4 0x00, // NAK 0x00, // SYN 0x00, // ETB 0x00, // CAN 0x00, // EM 0x00, // SUB 0x00, // ESC 0x00, // FS 0x00, // GS 0x00, // RS 0x00, // US
0x2c, // ' ' 0x1e|SHIFT, // ! 0x1f|SHIFT, // " 0x20|SHIFT, // # 0x21, // $ 0x22|SHIFT, // % 0x23|SHIFT, // & 0x31, // ' 0x25|SHIFT, // ( 0x26|SHIFT, // ) 0x31|SHIFT, // * 0x2d, // + 0x36, // , 0x38, // - 0x37, // . 0x24|SHIFT, // / 0x27, // 0 0x1e, // 1 0x1f, // 2 0x20, // 3 0x21, // 4 0x22, // 5 0x23, // 6 0x24, // 7 0x25, // 8 0x26, // 9 0x37|SHIFT, // : 0x36|SHIFT, // ; 0x64, // < 0x27|SHIFT, // = 0x64|SHIFT, // > 0x2d|SHIFT, // ? 0x1f, // @ 0x04|SHIFT, // A 0x05|SHIFT, // B 0x06|SHIFT, // C 0x07|SHIFT, // D 0x08|SHIFT, // E 0x09|SHIFT, // F 0x0a|SHIFT, // G 0x0b|SHIFT, // H 0x0c|SHIFT, // I 0x0d|SHIFT, // J 0x0e|SHIFT, // K 0x0f|SHIFT, // L 0x10|SHIFT, // M 0x11|SHIFT, // N 0x12|SHIFT, // O 0x13|SHIFT, // P 0x14|SHIFT, // Q 0x15|SHIFT, // R 0x16|SHIFT, // S 0x17|SHIFT, // T 0x18|SHIFT, // U 0x19|SHIFT, // V 0x1a|SHIFT, // W 0x1b|SHIFT, // X 0x1c|SHIFT, // Y 0x1d|SHIFT, // Z 0x25, // [ 0x64, // bslash 0x26, // ] 0x30|SHIFT, // ^ 0x38|SHIFT, // _ 0x2e|SHIFT, // ` 0x04, // a 0x05, // b 0x06, // c 0x07, // d 0x08, // e 0x09, // f 0x0a, // g 0x0b, // h 0x0c, // i 0x0d, // j 0x0e, // k 0x0f, // l 0x10, // m 0x11, // n 0x12, // o 0x13, // p 0x14, // q 0x15, // r 0x16, // s 0x17, // t 0x18, // u 0x19, // v 0x1a, // w 0x1b, // x 0x1c, // y 0x1d, // z 0x24, // { 0x2e, // | 0x27, // } 0x30, // ~ 0 // DEL };
// Init var bool _altGrMap[128]; bool _altFine = false;
// Individually define all needed char void initAltGr() { _altFine = true;
_altGrMap[36] = true; // $ _altGrMap[64] = true; // @ _altGrMap[91] = true; // [ _altGrMap[92] = true; // bslash _altGrMap[93] = true; // ] _altGrMap[123] = true; // { _altGrMap[124] = true; // | _altGrMap[125] = true; // } _altGrMap[126] = true; // ~ }
Thanks in advance
Have u got it working?
Bit late on this but I was having a similar issue and found a solution. I used LocaleKeyboard.BAT to generate the .cpp and replaced that with the Arduino one. Didn't modify any files. Only thing was I had to use Arduino IDE 1.8.1 any earlier and it wouldn't compile for a million reasons and any later and it complained about Keyboard.h