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react-localize copied to clipboard

A simple context wrapper and text localization component for localizing strings.


A simple React Context wrapper and text localization component for localizing strings.

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Please refer to our gitbook documentation for more detailed information & resources.

Getting Started, Quickly:

Install it from npm, Inc.*:

npm i react-localize

*or via yarn add react-localize

Example of usage:

import { LocalizationProvider, LocalizationConsumer } from 'react-localize';
// this should come from your server or localization strings bundle source
// for your application.
const localizationBundle = {
  'app.button.Submit': 'Submit',
  foo: {
    bar: 'Hey %s, you must be %d years old?'

<LocalizationProvider messages={localizationBundle}>
      {({ localize }) => {
        return <div>
          <p>{localize('', ['Stephen', 34])}</p>

// outputs:
// <div>
//   <h1>prop.MissingValue</h1>
//   <button>Submit</button>
//   <p>Hey Stephen, you must be 34 years old?</p>
// </div>