mongoose-field-encryption copied to clipboard
Hey, I will get straight to the point. I am not the most expierenced coder and I ran into a problem. I need to update my database during special events. Multiple data strings are encrypted. When I call them they get decrytped and displayed correctly and they stay encrypted in the database. Now when I update them and add something to a string, it kinda lays plain on the database.
I already tried to manuelly set the _enc to false but then when I upload the updated data to the database it stays decrypted and the _enc stays falls even tho it should be uploaded with _enc : true but the program doesn't encrypted it for some reason.
Also doing $set I get an error saying "try it with $setField or something. I now put it in the add section of the Update and it works so far yet it stays _enc:false
If I don't put _enc to false I get this
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "iv" argument must be of type string or an instance of ArrayBuffer, Buffer, TypedArray, or DataView. Received undefined at Decipheriv.createCipherWithIV (node:internal/crypto/cipher:134:29) at new Decipheriv (node:internal/crypto/cipher:289:3) at Object.createDecipheriv (node:crypto:149:10) at decryptAes256Ctr (F:\Banlogger\node_modules\mongoose-field-encryption\lib\mongoose-field-encryption.js:18:27) at decrypt (F:\Banlogger\node_modules\mongoose-field-encryption\lib\mongoose-field-encryption.js:64:12) at decryptFields (F:\Banlogger\node_modules\mongoose-field-encryption\lib\mongoose-field-encryption.js:167:26) at model.<anonymous> (F:\Banlogger\node_modules\mongoose-field-encryption\lib\mongoose-field-encryption.js:234:7) at Kareem.execPostSync (F:\Banlogger\node_modules\kareem\index.js:311:29) at model.syncWrapper [as $__init] (F:\Banlogger\node_modules\kareem\index.js:333:26) at Document.init (F:\Banlogger\node_modules\mongoose\lib\document.js:640:8) { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE' }
And if I put it to _enc: false then it won't encrypt as it stats in the database that _enc is false, so the program kinda skips the encryption.
The error only happens when I add another data string to the already existing one.
Hi @Bengeljo
It is hard to find out what the issue is without looking at your code. Note that this library comes with a lot of tests which might help you in using it correctly, see this test for findOneAndUpdate