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update to support current packages on macOS?
Hi Haynes,
great software - unfortunately not easy to set up on macOS.
I am wondering whether you might be able to update souporcell to support the latest python packages. I have tried to do the Hard Install on my macbook but failed to get the conda environment you provided to install (same issue as report here)
When I finally managed to install everything, I had to change a bit of code to make souporcell compatible with the new tensorflow package by using the function tf.compat.v1.get_variable and by setting up the compatibility:
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf tf.disable_v2_behavior()
Most things then worked fine, except for this error, which people also reported previously.
(base) liviuspenter@Liviuss-MacBook-Pro tmp % /Users/shaka87/dfci/github/souporcell/ -i /Users/shaka87/dfci/10026/10x/data/Pool96_15/possorted_genome_bam.bam -b /Users/shaka87/dfci/10026/10x/data/Pool96_15/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/barcodes.tsv -f /Users/shaka87/software/refdata-cellranger-GRCh38-3.0.0/fasta/genome.fa -t 8 -o souporcell_pipeline -k 2 --common_variants /Users/shaka87/dfci/software/filtered_2p_1kgenomes_unchr.vcf --skip_remap SKIP_REMAP
checking modules
imports done
checking bam for expected tags
checking fasta
using common variants
running vartrix
running souporcell clustering
/Users/liviuspenter/Dropbox (Partners HealthCare)/github/souporcell/souporcell/target/release/souporcell -k 2 -a souporcell_pipeline/alt.mtx -r souporcell_pipeline/ref.mtx --restarts 100 -b /Users/shaka87/dfci/10026/10x/data/Pool96_15/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/barcodes.tsv --min_ref 10 --min_alt 10 --threads 8
running souporcell doublet detection
running co inference of ambient RNA and cluster genotypes
30830 excluded for potential RNA editing
WARNING:pystan:No module named 'stanfit4anon_model_c58d6755a445ee1723e096eb7e36ea75_355834653533342947'
WARNING:pystan:Something went wrong while unpickling the StanModel. Consider recompiling.
71 doublets excluded from genotype and ambient RNA estimation
1402 not used for soup calculation due to possible RNA edit
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/liviuspenter/Dropbox (Partners HealthCare)/github/souporcell/", line 348, in
Thank you!