SuitLines icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SuitLines copied to clipboard


Open alless1 opened this issue 7 years ago • 1 comments

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'float' on a null object reference at tech.linjiang.suitlines.SuitLines.buildPaintColor( at tech.linjiang.suitlines.SuitLines.access$1000( at tech.linjiang.suitlines.SuitLines$ at tech.linjiang.suitlines.simple.DemoChartActivity.init( at tech.linjiang.suitlines.simple.DemoChartActivity.onCreate(

alless1 avatar Jun 06 '17 07:06 alless1

这是作者的一个bug,在他源码SuitLines类种 /** * * @param color 不能为null * @return */ private LinearGradient buildPaintColor(int[] color) { int[] bakColor = color; if (color != null && color.length < 2) { bakColor = new int[2]; bakColor[0] = color[0]; bakColor[1] = color[0]; } if(linesArea==null){ //添加该判断 calcAreas(); } return new LinearGradient(linesArea.left,, linesArea.left, linesArea.bottom, bakColor, null, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP); } 即可

bilifo avatar May 27 '19 08:05 bilifo