ssl_slam2 copied to clipboard
ERROR: service [/save_map]
Hello, i have a problem with the command "rosservice call /save map".
- i am following the "4.3 Map Building" procedure, but when i use the "rosservice call /save map" command in my second terminal tab, i get the following error:
ERROR: service [/save_map] responded with an error: : [pcl::PCDWriter::writeASCII] Could not open file for writing!
- also in the first terminal tab that i am using the command "roslaunch ssl_slam2 ssl_slam2_mapping.launch" i get the following error for a moment:
[ERROR] [1642414934.582664157, 1642414849.721206964]: Exception thrown while processing service call: : [pcl::PCDWriter::writeASCII] Could not open file for writing!
Picture of my terminal:
- i solved it by typing "rosrun pcl_ros pointcloud_to_pcd input:=/map" instead of "rosservice call /save map" but i would like to check if i get better results with the loop closure that you describe.
Could you help me? Thank you in advance for your time.
same here
@BellosC , call service as mentioned instructions after then type the 'rosrun pcl_ros pointcloud_to_pcd input:=/map' in another terminal. In this way, map will be better.
Update: You may miss to create map folder inside the repository or you can change the following parameter which located mapping launch;
the pcl search for the map folder but it cannot found, hence the problem caused.
This problem happens because you do not have a map folder under ssl2_slam. If you create the folder it works