PetitPotato copied to clipboard
DuplicateToken error
Hello, when trying to use this i get the error message DupicateTokenEx() Error: 1346. Here is the full log:
C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Programs>PetitPotato.exe 3 cmd.exe
[+] Malicious named pipe running on \\.\pipe\petit\pipe\srvsvc.
[+] Invoking EfsRpcQueryUsersOnFile with target path: \\localhost/pipe/petit\C$\wh0nqs.txt.
[+] The connection is successful.
[+] ImpersonateNamedPipeClient OK.
[+] OpenThreadToken OK.
[-] DupicateTokenEx() Error: 1346.
Is there any reason why this is happening? Anything i can do to fix this? Love the work
Hello, PetitPotato escalates privileges by abusing impersonation privileges, please check whether your current user or process has SeImpersonatePrivilege or SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege privileges