As a user, I agree it's a bug. While there are forks where the unix quoting you show will work, in the current official v3.7, v3.8 and v4.0 branches, one...
The right question is probably whether it's still a hang which can be triggered by banging on the pause / un-pause p key enough... I believe the structural issue is...
Agree - not for v3.8.0.
On the linux side of things the behavior in all 3.7 versions was the same. We get this warning from the parser: ``` Parse Warning: This rendering uses the following...
As suggested in the newsgroup thread that the real time option is distinct from the clockless (no scene reload) option, I tried the example less the real time +rtr option...
Thanks for the issue post and suggested patch. I saw it last fall, but yet to put together a pull request for it. Related. Yesterday while debugging I hit an...
On Ubuntu 20.04 found this to be true of both the ini and command line declare settings. Aside: The parsing code is somewhat different between the command line and ini...
Testing on Ubuntu 20.04 with povray v3.8 beta 1 and too my povr branch, I did not see issues with multiple declares. For the command line constant/floats this was confirmed...
Quick note for whomever follows up here. I remembered a similar thread-block oriented visual issue in the closed FlySpray bug : related to the shadow cache mechanism and threads...
I believe POV-Ray is working as designed here. The star field is created with a crackle (0.002 scale) based density patten in a very large outer sphere which works due...