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Zoom to selection fails
I have a shapefile in EPSG:27700 (GB NGR). When a tiled base layer is loaded (e.g. Open Street Maps) SFMap.ZoomToSelection()
fails to zoom the the correct coordinates.
My initial solution:
The extent that is compiled from the selected objects in each shapefile needs to be transformed to EPSG:3857 before the call to SFMap.FitToExtent(RectangleD extent)
is made.
The following diff shows my change, is there a better way?
diff --git a/EGIS.Controls/SFMap.cs b/EGIS.Controls/SFMap.cs
index b09fe3e..a0edef1 100644
--- a/EGIS.Controls/SFMap.cs
+++ b/EGIS.Controls/SFMap.cs
@@ -1047,20 +1047,35 @@ namespace EGIS.Controls
System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<int> selectedIndicies = layer.SelectedRecordIndices;
if (selectedIndicies.Count > 0)
+ RectangleD selExtent = RectangleD.Empty;
+ bool selExtentSet = false;
for (int n = 0; n < selectedIndicies.Count; ++n)
- if (extentSet)
+ if (selExtentSet)
- extent = RectangleD.Union(extent, layer.GetShapeBoundsD(selectedIndicies[n]));
+ selExtent = RectangleD.Union(selExtent, layer.GetShapeBoundsD(selectedIndicies[n]));
- extent = layer.GetShapeBoundsD(selectedIndicies[n]);
- extentSet = true;
+ selExtent = layer.GetShapeBoundsD(selectedIndicies[n]);
+ selExtentSet = true;
+ if (extentSet)
+ {
+ extent = RectangleD.Union(extent,
+ selExtent.Transform(layer.CoordinateReferenceSystem, this.MapCoordinateReferenceSystem));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ extent = selExtent.Transform(layer.CoordinateReferenceSystem,
+ this.MapCoordinateReferenceSystem);
+ extentSet = true;
+ }
if (extentSet) FitToExtent(extent);