ESP32-TensorFlow-Lite-Sample copied to clipboard
Which commit id of Tensorflow should I use?
I encouter this error When I generate_hello_world_esp_project by sudo make -f tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/tools/make/Makefile TARGET=esp generate_hello_world_esp_project
make: *** No rule to make target 'tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/tools/make/gen/esp_xtensa- esp32/prj/hello_world/esp-idf/components/tfmicro/third_party/gemmlowp/fixedpoint/fixedpoint.h', needed by 'generate_hello_world_esp_project'. Stop.
Is it the wrong version of Tensorflow? Which commit id of Tensorflow should I use?
@InfiniteYuan Hello, I'm having trouble like you, have you found the right repo for project(hello world and micro speech)??