Weyert de Boer

Results 199 comments of Weyert de Boer

I have been trying to use this `import md from 'babel-plugin-transform-jsxtreme-markdown/md.macro'` in my CRAv2 application but it's not working for me. Besides adding the package `'babel-plugin-transform-jsxtreme-markdown` to my dev dependencies?...

Hmm, that's confusing then!

Yeah, I am seeing this issue on macOS x86 (12.3.1 (21E258)) too for the Chromium browser.

If I turn off `returning` the behaviour is as expected. Where should I look in the code base to find out how enabling`returning` changes the behaviour of how hooks are...

Did you try https://turborepo.org/docs/reference/command-line-reference#--output-logs ?

Wondering if it’s related to symlinks; what if you add node_modules to the .dockerignore file to avoid its including it as part of the build context? Especially when you say...

Yeah, not sure, if it also needs to include the Pnpm store directory or nested node_modules. You can also try if it works without Buildkit (DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0)

Yeah suggested that a while back too, doesn't seem to have worked

Did you had any luck with this?