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Quaternion math in golang
Quaternion math in golang
Note: There are other packages to support quaternions in Go. See, for example, https://github.com/thisisneal/Quaternion. I couldn't find any under an unrestrictive license, so this is an implementation under the MIT license.
Quaternions are defined by i * i = j * j = k * k = i * j * k = -1. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaternion
Instantiate a quaternion q = a_w + a_x * i + a_y * j + a_z * k:
q1 := Quaternion{a_w, a_x, a_y, a_z}
q2 := Quaternion{W: 0.5, X: 0.5, Y: -0.707, Z: -0.707}
q3 := New(0.5,0.5,-0.707,-0.707)
A number (scalar) can be created with Quaternion or with the Scalar function:
qk1 := Quaternion{W: -0.5}
qk2 := Scalar(0.5)
A pure quaternion with no scalar component:
q := Pure(0.5, -0.707, -0.707)
Calculate the conjugate q* = a_w - a_x * i - a_y * j - a_z * k:
q5 := qr.Conj()
Calculate the sum as a new quaternion:
q3 := Sum(q1, q2)
Sum takes any number of quaternions as arguments:
q4 := Sum(q3, q1, q2, q4)
Prod works the same way as Sum:
q5 := Prod(q4, q3, q1, q2)
Calculate the norm ("length") and the squared norm:
k := q5.Norm()
k2 := q5.Norm2()
Convert to/from Euler angle representations:
q1 := FromEuler(math.Pi/4, math.Pi/3, 5*math.Pi/3)
phi, theta, psi := q1.Euler()
Get the Rotation Matrix corresponding to a quaternion:
m := q1.RotMat()