Weston Ganger
Weston Ganger
If you want to use a JSON column instead of YAML encoded solution. active_record-import and MySQL were not playing nice with JSON columns so I switch to a YAML encoded...
Please tag a version so we can utilize this on Rails-assets.org > slide-and-swipe-menu has no versions defined. Please create an issue in component's repository.
This is the feature that led me to use this library today. I was happily using the official google client then today I went to upgrade to Ruby 3.1 and...
Solves #29 Changelog generated using [github-changelog-generator](https://github.com/github-changelog-generator/github-changelog-generator)
Would be super convenient if it automatically created a migration or the migration content to add the missing indexes
Please add a changelog so we can see whats changed between versions.
It would be really awesome if we could imitate the `add_footer` option of bullet. I understand that getting involved with the view side of things may not be a core...
Can already be installed on Rails 7 release candidate versions but not on the actual released `v7.0.0`