Weston Ganger
Weston Ganger
I misunderstood what this was supposed to do. I thought it automatically created a migration file. The best solution I came up with was this but its probably not great...
Yeah that would be better I just whipped it up quickly. Now that we are ensuring its an unused name is it desired to actually run rails g migration AddMissingIndexes3...
I was also getting this warning. I noticed that the screenshots are **actually getting saved** despite what the error says. To work around this I have added the following monkey...
What happens when you do this? ``` SpreadsheetArchitect.to_ods(data: [[Time.now]], header: false, column_types: [:time]) ``` That may fix it in the meantime however its likely an issue with the `rodf` gem....
I am the maintainer of `rodf` as well. I have been working on a solution this morning. I should have something for you to test soon.
Related rodf issue: thiagoarrais/rodf#19
Improvements have been made to the cell types on the develop branch of `rodf`. Please try the following in your Gemfile to test the changes: ```ruby gem 'rodf', github: 'thiagoarrais/rodf',...
Turns out date/time formatting is kind of complicated in ODS. Until the bug is dealt with in some way over in RODF, I am going to convert all :date /...
As of v2.1.0 (Released today), All date or time cells in ODS spreadsheets will be converted to strings using `to_s` until the situation is properly fixed in RODF.