
Results 126 comments of Wessel

I see! Hmm, this might be challenging. Dispatch currently heavily leverages types, and [the type of a PyTree is somewhat troublesome](https://github.com/google/jax/issues/3340). You're right that `jaxtyping` offers a PyTree type, but...

A hacky halfway house solution is to check for JAX-like objects in the first 10 (or so) layers of a PyTree... Then it wouldn't detect things like `((((((((((jnp.array(1),))))))))))`, but maybe...

I think that it would be possible to convert the static number to a dynamic depth. However, perhaps the right solution here is to see if we can actually give...

Hey @murphyk! Thank you for opening an issue. I think a GP a multi-class GP classification example and Poisson likelihood example would be a super good addition. There is a...

Hi @murphyk! I've put together a non-optimised example of three-class GP classification using Stheno + JAX. A Poisson likelihood example should be similar. Also tagging @patel-zeel here in case he...

Ah, see also my reply [here](https://github.com/wesselb/plum/pull/57#issuecomment-1232593272). Would readthedocs be preferable over building the docs with a Github Action and publishing it with Github Pages?

@tbsexton I think so! Though, maybe we should add a small cute snippet to make the landing page (the README) look a little more appealing?

Hey @erezsh! Sorry for the radio silence. I've amended `setup.py` to exclude `tests` and all subdirectories. Thanks for catching this. :)

I've had my eye on Poetry for a while now. After checking out those videos, @tbsexton, it seems like it might provide a major quality of life improvement. I think...

> I would just ask to use standard extra field to declare extra dependencies such as dev dependencies and not the recently introduced groups that are poetry-only and pip-incompatible. If...