Nettuts-Fetch copied to clipboard
download Problem with location header or Source forge
Hi Im Trying to use the fetch plugin to fetch a package from
the package link i use is:
which schould get me the lates LTS version. and the download fails. possible error sources might be the redirect (location) header the server sends. or the cookie sourcforce sends.
Works fine for me. What's your current setup (ST version and OS)?
okay it seems like a general package fetch problem just for testing i tried to fetch the wordpress package and that fails too.
here my configuration details: Sublime 2.0.1 Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1
here is the error message: "Fetch: URL error timed out contacting server"
github downloads seem to work fine. i fetched html5boilderplate and 960 Gridsystem
here is my fetch configuration:
"jquery": "",
"normalize.css": "",
"reset.css Mayerweb": ""
"960 Grid System": "",
"Unsemantic Grid System": "",
"Wordpress": "",
"html5_boilerplate": "",
"typo3_src 4.5.x": ""
Are you still experiencing this issue? I tested it again and haven't got any errors.