JSONFeed icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
JSONFeed copied to clipboard

JSONFeed parser for swift

Build Status Codecov Carthage compatible SwiftPM Compatible


Swift parsing for JSON Feed Spec



You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

brew update
brew install carthage

To integrate JSONFeed into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile where "x.x.x" is the current release:

github "wesbillman/JSONFeed" "x.x.x"

Swift Package Manager

To install using Swift Package Manager have your Swift package set up, and add JSONFeed as a dependency to your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .Package(url: "https://github.com/wesbillman/JSONFeed.git", majorVersion: 0)


Add all the files from JSONFeed/JSONFeed to your project


See JSONFeedTests for detailed usage examples

Load a feed from a dictionary

let dictionary = <some feed dictionary>
let feed = try? JSONFeed(json: dictionary)

Load a feed from data

let data = <some feed data>
let feed = try? JSONFeed(data: data)

Load a feed from a json ut8f string

let string = <some utf8 json string>
let feed = try? JSONFeed(string: string)

Reading from a feed via URLSession

Using default configuration and URLSession

let reader = JSONFeedReader()
reader.read(string: "https://jsonfeed.org/feed.json") { (feed, error) in
    if let error = error {
        //bad things happened

    if let feed = feed {
        //good things happened

Using custom implemenation of URLSession (example: for unit testing)

let reader = JSONFeedReader(session: SomeCustomURLSession)
reader.read(string: "https://jsonfeed.org/feed.json") { (feed, error) in
    if let error = error {
        //bad things happened

    if let feed = feed {
        //good things happened