background-noise icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
background-noise copied to clipboard

A simple white noise app that plays in the background.

Background Noise

A simple white noise app that plays in the background.

Web App

The goal is to make a web app that can run on any device, leveraging PWA capabilities on each platform.


Theme: #b859ed Background: #000000 Foreground: #ffffff

From Fabric Theme Deigner

  "themePrimary": "#c46bf3",
  "themeLighterAlt": "#08040a",
  "themeLighter": "#1f1127",
  "themeLight": "#3b2049",
  "themeTertiary": "#754092",
  "themeSecondary": "#ac5ed6",
  "themeDarkAlt": "#c979f4",
  "themeDark": "#d18df6",
  "themeDarker": "#ddabf8",
  "neutralLighterAlt": "#0b0b0b",
  "neutralLighter": "#151515",
  "neutralLight": "#252525",
  "neutralQuaternaryAlt": "#2f2f2f",
  "neutralQuaternary": "#373737",
  "neutralTertiaryAlt": "#595959",
  "neutralTertiary": "#c8c8c8",
  "neutralSecondary": "#d0d0d0",
  "neutralPrimaryAlt": "#dadada",
  "neutralPrimary": "#ffffff",
  "neutralDark": "#f4f4f4",
  "black": "#f8f8f8",
  "white": "#000000"