Hi @halasox, yes, a progress bar would be very useful indeed :) It is a pity there is no such a widget by default in Blender. I worked on it...
Thank you very much 👍 Any time will do for me, that's really helpful to have this ETA though.
Hi @piotrnikov, I do apologize for my late answer. Been quite busy. The bug you mentioned can be either a regression of Shot Manager - I will check that -...
I have a look possibly tonight. Not the first bug submitted on Playblast rendering recently, have to check. Beside I also wrote the script to create the markers but to...
Ok, I found the issue in the Playblast. This should be fixed in the beta version that has just been publised: [v2.1.24_Beta](https://github.com/ubisoft/shotmanager/releases/tag/v2.1.24_Beta). Can you please check and confirm? Thank you...
Oki, thanks a lot for the video. Will test it again this afternoon with your exact settings.
Hi @piotrnikov, I believe I fixed the thing! Can you try the latest published beta please? [V 2.1.27 Beta](https://github.com/ubisoft/shotmanager/releases/tag/v2.1.27_Beta) Basically I ensure in a better way that the file format...
Arf... Sorry :/ I removed the beta version from downloadable packages. Ok, a few things: - The content of the Take folder where the files are rendered sees some content...
Hi Piotr, I think I got it! Fingers crossed! (cause I fixed it blindly) From what I saw it all comes from a problem of paths on Mac, due to...
Also let me know if the player works now...