tensorrt_yolov4_ros icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tensorrt_yolov4_ros copied to clipboard

ROS wrapper for TensorRT YOLOv4

Referenced repositiory

Please check this repository for detail implementation. The trained files are provided by the following repository. The trained files are automatically downloaded when you build.




Trained model

  • tranined file (608) : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1F3f2_CZTOIcuUhvubNaLlMoIx0_Pv6_x?usp=sharing

Please note that above repository is under MIT or Apache 2.0 license.


  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • ros melodic
  • cuda 10.2
  • cudnn 7.6.5
  • tensorrt 7.0.0

How to use

  1. install ros and colcon.
  2. mkdir -p workspace/src
  3. cd workspace/src
  4. git clone https://github.com/wep21/tensorrt_yolov4_ros.git
  5. cd tensorrt_yolov4_ros && mkdir data
  6. Place trained models under data/.
  7. copy msgs under src/ from https://github.com/tier4/AutowareArchitectureProposal/tree/master/src/common/msgs.
  8. cd workspace
  9. colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --packages-up-to tensorrt_yolo4
  10. source install/setup.bash
  11. roslaunch tensorrt_yolo4 tensorrt_yolo4.launch
  12. Publish /image_raw by real camera or rosbag.
  13. Check /rois/debug/image by rqt_image_view. detection


Input topic type


Output topic type
