bootstrap-table-examples copied to clipboard
Error while trying to open exported excel file
If I try to open, downloded excel file, it gives me the followig error ->
I can see the same in ->
I am able to open the csv file, but for excel it gives me the error.
The code, that I have used is as follows,
$('#table').bootstrapTable({ classes: 'table table-responsive table-no-bordered table-striped table-hover', iconsPrefix: 'fa', cookie: true, cookieExpire: '2y', mobileResponsive: true, sortable: true, pagination: true, showExport: true, showColumns: true, exportTypes: ['csv', 'excel'], pageList: ['10','25','50','100','150','200','500','1000'], exportOptions: { fileName: 'AMS-Grants-' + (new Date()).toISOString().slice(0,10), }, icons: { paginationSwitchDown: 'fa-caret-square-o-down', paginationSwitchUp: 'fa-caret-square-o-up', sort: 'fa fa-sort-amount-desc', plus: 'fa fa-plus', minus: 'fa fa-minus', columns: 'fa-columns', refresh: 'fa-refresh' }, });