wenmeng zhou
wenmeng zhou
image file is broken, please upload it again
```shell 2024-04-29 01:14:24,335 - modelscope - INFO - AST-Scanning the path "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI43202\modelscope" with the following sub folders ['models', 'metrics', 'pipelines', 'preprocessors', 'trainers', 'msdatasets', 'exporters'] 2024-04-29 01:14:24,335 - modelscope - INFO...
try to execute `pip install modelscope[audio]`
你好,直接docker run 拉起进行在里面运行代码就可以。 开源社区的文档更多的面向开发者,一些最基础的信息如果我们没有描述清楚可以借助搜索引擎查询即可 示例命令 ```shell docker run --gpus='"device=0"' registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/modelscope-repo/modelscope:ubuntu22.04-cuda11.8.0-py310-torch2.1.0-tf2.14.0-1.10.0 bash ```
目前只会增量更新有更新的文件, 如果所有文件都下载是非预期行为,可以把tokenizer.json删除后再执行下,看下是否能复现。 版本问题是由于模型官方提供者没有打版本导致,我们沟通下
8 bit is a well trade-off between speed and accuracy in practice, so 8bit support is strongly required to add to vllm
can you provide the original error log and traceback?