> @PierreSerpe hey by chance did you figure out how to add remove the 360 images? i have set up some code where i need to add and remove them....
> @lewibs-Powern Didn t look further to solve the problem. Did you? Try again with this proj4.defs("pointcloud","+proj=lcc +lat_0=90 +lon_0=4.36748666666667 +lat_1=51.1666672333333 +lat_2=49.8333339 +x_0=150000.013 +y_0=5400088.438 +ellps=intl +towgs84=-106.8686,52.2978,-103.7239,-0.3366,0.457,-1.8422,-1.27469999999796 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs");
hey, have you made any progress? I have the same problem.
> Oohh thats nice :). And I think i have a solution . I just create an intermediate calculation and its work. From my rad yaw pitch roll values its...
@skinkie would it be possible for you to share what are the requirements for capturing panoramic images that can be perfectly superimposed with point clouds? We directly assigned the IMU...
@skinkie I got the following data: Point cloud 360 Panoramic images Reference file for images Unfortunately, there seems to be a deviation between Point Cloud and 360 Images. I don't...
Hello, @treecon have you made any progress? I have the same issue :(
@fpadillagg Hi. Have you known how to get get the yaw, pitch, and roll? I have the same problem.