Platform is macOS, arch is arm64. And in tui-rs application, once app is opening, about ten warning per minute.
Reproduct: wrong code and test, will cause this error.
Can you open a PR? It seems this commit https://github.com/clearloop/leetcode-cli/commit/090773dc8a2d6f99582fbda0b40f934a8089399e fix this problem
Thanks! It's help. And I want to offer my question and how to resolve. System is MacOS 12.4 make pdf throw error: ``` texi2dvi: Can't use option `--output' with more...
https://github.com/westes/flex/pull/353 resolve this
After resolve mkskl.sh, new problem occur: ``` ./stage1flex -o stage1scan.c ./scan.l ./stage1flex: fatal internal error, exec of /opt/homebrew/opt/m4/bin/m4 failed ```
Maybe this issue #539
When I compile flex on MacOS 12.4 ``` ./stage1flex -o stage1scan.c ./scan.l ./stage1flex: fatal internal error, exec of /opt/homebrew/opt/m4/bin/m4 failed ```
Resolve #539