Lawrence Mitchell
Lawrence Mitchell
> > _question_: It seems like this branch is also pulling in a bunch of unrelated (?) changes in cudf-proper. Is that deliberate in the sense these are bug-fixes for...
> MacOS doesn't have O_DIRECT, so I commented out this line in cpp/include/kvikio/file_handle.hpp: > > // if (o_direct) { file_flags |= O_DIRECT; } > > After that, ./ libkvikio worked...
> 0 N/A N/A 3917295 C python 768MiB Are you sure this is a worker process? (And not, say, the client?)
> given _all_ GPUs still have some small allocation. A cuda context on the system I have access to is around 300MiB, so 2MiB is a bit small I think.
> > > given _all_ GPUs still have some small allocation. > > > > > > A cuda context on the system I have access to is around 300MiB,...
My proposal would be to try and capture the warnings if the number of devices is fewer than required (rather than dumbing down the test).
> After this error occurs, the folder `dask-worker-space/storage/` contains thousands of `%28%27asarray-a3d47595a9f7e8e1604b7b171ed85714%27%2C%200%2C%201%2C%200%29` encoded files making it impossible to re-run the program without deleting the folder manually. This problem, at least,...
Can you try replacing your generate_matrix with: ```python def generate_matrix(size, work_units): rs = da.random.RandomState(RandomState=cp.random.RandomState) rs = rs.randint(low = 0, high = 100_000, size = (size, size, work_units), chunks = 'auto')...
> Is there a way to call a method which requires either np.ndarray or cp.ndarray on type Array from DASK? Calling map_blocks(cp.asarray) does not make these functions callable. I guess...
> Hi @wence-, thank you very much for your swift respones. Sorry for my unclear question. > > The question is why can I not call `spt.image_rotate_90(mat, k = 1,...