Welly Siauw AWS
Welly Siauw AWS
related to #1422
I am unable to replicate this problem on provider ver: 0.76.0, Terraform ver: 1.8.2 ``` Terraform will perform the following actions: # awscc_mediapackagev2_origin_endpoint.example_channel_group will be updated in-place ~ resource "awscc_mediapackagev2_origin_endpoint"...
thanks, I miss understood the original problem, I apologize. In this case, you excluded certain attribute from the HCL configuration after the initial `terraform apply`. AWSCC provider will then use...
For this particular resource, the tag has `insertionOrder` set to true. ``` aws cloudformation describe-type --type RESOURCE --type-name AWS::IoT::Authorizer | jq -r ".Schema" | jq ".properties.Tags" { "type": "array", "insertionOrder":...
this is an upstream issue, the schema should be updated , thanks for reporting this problem.
I was able to replicate this using CCAPI CLI, I believe this is an upstream issue. ``` aws cloudcontrol update-resource \ --type-name AWS::IoT::Authorizer \ --identifier test \ --patch-document '[{"op":"replace", "path":...
I was able to consistently replicate this problem when using `port_mappings` attribute in the `container_definitions`.
Task definition was created successfully and CCAPI returned the GetResource response, I dont think this is upstream issue.
@kstephensontm @quixoticmonk , thanks for reporting this issue. I will respond about the engine selection problem on #1636 with that said, are there still outstanding problem that we need to...
thanks for reporting this issue, I have cut internal ticket to investigate since I believe this is upstream AWS issue.