tmux-complete.vim copied to clipboard
Flickering with deoplete
When used in conjunction with deoplete I get constant cursor flickering. This flickering disables when I disable tmux-complete so I'm pretty certain this plugin is the cause of it. I'm wondering why tmux-complete causes this however, is it because gathering candidates is slow?
@rgrinberg: Thanks for opening this issue, I've had noticed similar problems myself before.
Usually it is related to gathering candidates, especially if you have many tmux sessions and windows open, it can take a noticeable time to process all visible words. There are already some settings
which can be used to control which sessions, windows and what scrollback to consider. I think most of these issues could be resolved by limiting the search space used for live autocompletion. For on demand completion a slightly longer delay is usually acceptable, that's why this wasn't always a priority.
Unfortunately these settings are currently not documented and I take this issue as motivation to do that. I'm planning to include some best practices to help with issues like the one you're seeing.
Unfortunately I can't promise that I'll come to this soon, but I'll definitely put it on my list :+1:
Side note: Maybe it's even possible to do all that processing in the background with Neovim, but I'm not too familiar how that would be done. If anyone would have some pointers that might give me a head start.
This may have been alleviated by
@rgrinberg Can you confirm/deny?
I am using g:deoplete#auto_complete_delay = 50
(or 100), but it's still noticable.
Profiling shows this:
FUNCTION tmuxcomplete#completions()
Called 12 times
Total time: 1.172690
Self time: 1.172442
count total (s) self (s)
12 0.000068 let pattern = '^' . escape(a:base, '*^$][.\') . '.'
12 0.000051 let list_args = get(g:, 'tmuxcomplete#list_args', '-a')
12 0.000341 0.000093 let grep_args = tmuxcomplete#grepargs(a:base)
12 0.000075 let command = 'sh ' . shellescape(s:script)
12 0.000048 let command .= ' -p ' . shellescape(pattern)
12 0.000045 let command .= ' -s ' . shellescape(a:splitmode)
12 0.000038 let command .= ' -l ' . shellescape(list_args)
12 0.000043 let command .= ' -c ' . shellescape(a:capture_args)
12 0.000041 let command .= ' -g ' . shellescape(grep_args)
12 0.000029 if $TMUX_PANE !=# "" " if running inside tmux
12 0.000040 let command .= ' -e' " exclude current pane
12 0.000010 endif
12 1.163400 let completions = system(command)
12 0.000178 if v:shell_error != 0
return []
12 0.008093 return split(completions, '\n')
I could imagine that it would be better already when
would not call the Vim
function, but do the job itself.
And then it's also a matter of configuration probably: I would like to use the tmux completion on demand only, and not on-the-fly all the time.