android-compose-mvi-navigation icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
android-compose-mvi-navigation copied to clipboard

GithubCompose is a sample project that uses Compose + MVI + Navigation Component to presents a modern approach to Android app development.

GithubCompose (Kotlin + Jetpack Compose + Navigation + MVI)


GithubCompose is a sample project that presents a modern approach to Android app development.

The project tries to combine popular Android tools and to demonstrate best development practices by utilizing up to date tech-stack like Compose, Kotlin Flow and Koin.

The sample app presents a modern Android application Architecture that is scalable and maintainable through a MVI.


Light and Dark mode


The project is layered traditionally with a View, Presentation, Model separation and presents a MVI inspired from Yusuf Ceylan's architecture but adapted to Compose.

Architecture layers:

  • View - Composable screens that consume state, apply effects and delegate events.
  • ViewModel - AAC ViewModel that manages and reduces the state of the corresponding screen. Additionally, it intercepts UI events and produces side-effects. The ViewModel lifecycle scope is tied to the corresponding screen composable.
  • Model - Repository classes that retrieve data. In a clean architecture context, one should use use-cases that tap into repositories.

There are a three core components described:

  • State - data class that holds the state content of the corresponding screen e.g. list of User, loading status etc. The state is exposed as a Compose runtime MutableState object from that perfectly matches the use-case of receiving continuous updates with initial value.

  • Event - plain object that is sent through callbacks from the UI to the presentation layer. Events should reflect UI events caused by the user. Event updates are exposed as a MutableSharedFlow type which is similar to StateFlow and that behaves as in the absence of a subscriber, any posted event will be immediately dropped.

  • Effect - plain object that signals one-time side-effect actions that should impact the UI e.g. triggering a navigation action, showing a Toast, SnackBar etc. Effects are exposed as ChannelFlow which behave as in each event is delivered to a single subscriber. An attempt to post an event without subscribers will suspend as soon as the channel buffer becomes full, waiting for a subscriber to appear.

Every screen/flow defines its own contract class that states all corresponding core components described above: state content, events and effects.