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title: Introduction to ghc-debug author: Matthew Pickering and Ben Gamari


This workshop will introduce two tools for profiling Haskell programs, eventlog2html and ghc-debug. These form a family of new heap profiling tools which use the new info table location feature in GHC 9.2. The info table locations allow a debugger to very precisely map a source of allocation to a place in the source program. This gives much more detailed and actionable profiling output.

The workshop is intended to be interactive, follow along and get familiar with running the tools for yourself.

No advanced knowledge of language features is necessary, but you shouldn't be afraid of internal implementation details. It is also a bit fiddly to set-up the correct environment.


Before the workshop, you should have the following installed:

  • jq
  • ghc-9.2 (
  • cabal-3.6 (
  • eventlog2html-0.9 (cabal install eventlog2html-0.9)
  • docker

Or, alternatively, use this nix invocation to set-up the environment.


Configuring the haskell.nix caches will save you some build time (or you can remove the eventlog2html entry from the shell.nix file and install another way).

Then then the ./prepare script to pre-build all the required local executables.


Part 1: Introduction to RTS and ghc-debug

In order to effectively profile a Haskell application it's very useful to have a mental model of how values are represented at runtime. Heap profiling tools are just ways to visualise this information, so unless you have at least a basic understanding of what they are trying to visualise then making progress with a heap profile can be very tricky.

Generational Scheme

As Haskell programs tend to produce a significant quantity of garbage heap allocations during execution. However, most of these allocations tend to be very short-lived. To take advantage of this property, GHC's garbage collector is of a generational design.

In a generational garbage collector, the heap is partitioned into a small number of sequential "generations". Heap allocations begin life in the generation 0 (also known as the nursery). When the nursery fills, a generation 0 garbage collection is initiated; here the contents of the nursery is traversed and all live objects moved ("promoted") into generation 1.

When generation 1 fills, a generation 1 collection is performed, causing the traversal and promotion of live objects in generations 0 and 1. Note how we needn't traverse any older generations than the generation we are collecting; this means that generation 0 collections, which are by far the most common, only need to walk a small fraction of the heap. Moreover, the collector only needs to traverse live data, meaning that we pay no GC cost for the large amount of transient garbage produced by Haskell evaluation.

As we will see later, understanding this generational structure can be important when interpreting heap profiles.

Block Structure

GHC's storage manager is built on a block allocator, which is responsible for managing the virtual address space of the process and providing efficient metadata (e.g. to which generation a particular section of memory belongs) lookup to the garbage collector.

The block allocator partitions memory into two granularities. First, memory is requested from the operating system on an as-needed basis in 1MByte chunks knows as megablocks. Each of these megablocks is then split into 4kByte chunks known as blocks, which serve as the fundamental allocation unit for the garbage collector. In particular, the GC allocates a small number of blocks to serve as the nursery, into which mutator allocations are allocated in a bump-pointer manner.

Closure Structure

Standard Closure Layout

All on-heap Haskell values are represented in a uniform way. Specifically, a heap object consists of a small header, usually consisting of only an info table pointer, followed by a number of fields. As the name suggests, the info table pointer points to a small data structure describing the object's kind and memory layout. This metadata, which is static data compiled into the executable, includes:

  • which kind of object it is (e.g. a data constructor, thunk, function, stack, etc.)
  • in the case of a data constructor, the name of the constructor
  • how many fields the object has (that is, its size)
  • which of those fields are pointers (which must be followed by the garbage collector) and which are non-pointers (e.g. Int# fields)
  • in the case of a thunk, a pointer to the code which must be called to evaluate the thunk
  • in the case of a function, the number of arguments expected by the function

To see how the heap looks in practice, let's look at a few classes of heap object.

Data constructor applications

Consider the following bindings:

x = Just y      :: Maybe Int
y = I# 42#      :: Int

In memory this would look like the following:

A simplified representation of the Haskell heap.{width=55%}

Here we see that x and y are data constructor applications, each having a pointer to the info table describing their respective data constructor.

Thunks and partial applications

Thunks and partial function applications are represented similarly to data constructor applications, with captured free variables taking the place of the constructor fields. For instance, the program

x = f y y
y = I# 42#

Stack Closures

The state of a Haskell's thread's execution is embodied by its execution stack. Consequently, stacks constitute one of the major sources of roots during garbage collection.

The execution stack encodes the "context" in which evaluation is occurring; operationally, it tracks the code to which execution will return once the current evaluation has completed. While there are numerous stack frame varieties, two types are overwhelmingly the most common:

  • continuation frames represent the continuation of a case analysis; these will look at the returned scrutinee and branch to one of the case alternatives depending upon the result.
  • update frames represent the updating of a thunk; these will overwrite the evaluated thunk with the returned result, before returning.

In GHC's storage model, stacks are just another type of heap object.

What are profiling tools?

Heap profiling tools allow you to answer questions about live memory on the heap. With a heap profiling tool you can understand both high and low-level questions about memory usage. It's normally useful to start by asking high-level questions:

  • Is the memory usage of my application increasing over time?
  • Are there any particuar source of allocations or closure types which account for a high percentage of residency?
  • Are there any obvious memory usage spikes visible in the profile?

These are questions that tools like eventlog2html can answer.

After asking a high-level question, and getting an idea where the problem is, you can start asking low-level questions in order to work out the precise reason for your issue. For example:

  • What is retaining a specific part of memory which is leaking?
  • What's the structure of the objects which are contributing a lot to residency?
  • How does the memory usage differ between two points in my program?
  • What source position contributes the most to allocation in the program?

These low-level questions are ones which are hard to answer with eventlog2html but easy to answer with ghc-debug. A mastery of both tools can lead to enlightenment.

Traditional cost-centre profiling

For many years GHC has had a built-in heap profiler capable of measuring dynamic heap behavior of a program broken down by a number of categorizations:

  • (approximate) type (+RTS -hy, e.g. Int, Maybe String, (->))
  • closure description (+RTS -hd, e.g. Just, THUNK)
  • Lexical scope (+RTS -hc, known as "cost-centres")

Of these, the cost-centres break-down method is often the most precise but also the most expensive. While GHC offers a variety of automatic strategies (e.g. -fprof-auto, -fprof-top) for automatically annotating programs with cost-centres, cost-centres can often interfere with optimisations, skewing profile results.

The alternative to automatic annotation is to rather insert cost-centres manually. However, this process can be arduous in a large system, requiring that the user manually introduce a cost-centre, recompile, collect a profile, and refine the observed "hot" cost-centres.

Info Table Profiling

As described above, while traditional cost-centre profiling can be quite useful for identifying poor memory-usage behavior, using it to pin-point from where in a program an allocation arose can be labor intensive. The info table profiling mechanism introduced in GHC 9.2 provides a precise alternative to cost-centre profiling at the expense of code size.

Consider a classic thunk leak like:

sumAssocs :: Ord a => [(a, Int)] -> Map a Int
sumAssocs xs = Data.Map.Lazy.fromListWith (+) xs

If buried in a large program, locating such a leak with the traditional cost-centre profiling tools can be challenging:

  • -hy identifies the leak unhelpfully as type *
  • -hd identifies the leak as a GHC-generated name, <Main.sat_s2hF>.
  • -hc can provide a more useful source location assuming one has added appropriate cost-centres

Info table profiling introduces three GHC features which collectively provide for a much better story for leak identification:

  • a new profiling breakdown mode, -hi, which collates heap allocations by their info table identity.
  • a new GHC flag, -fdistinct-constructor-tables, which tells the code generator to produce a distinct info table for each constructor allocation
  • another GHC flag, -finfo-table-map, which tells the code generator to produce an auxiliary data structure which allows distinct info tables to be mapped back to source locations

With these three features we can gather a profile of a program's allocations (both of constructors and thunks) broken down by allocation site, with source location.

Part 1a: Getting going with ghc-debug

ghc-debug is a suite of applications and libraries which allow you to inspect the heap as a Haskell application from a debugger written in Haskell. The heap structure is represented using Haskell datatypes and traversal functions are written as normal Haskell functions.

Debugging an application has two parts:

  1. Instrument the main function of your application using a simple wrapper. When the program starts a socket will be created, which a debugger can connect to and query information about the heap of your program.
  2. Write a debugging script which connects to the opened socket, and queries and analyses information about the heap.

A key design principle of ghc-debug is that the debugger doesn't run in the same process as your application. Therefore, there are no instrumentation artefacts present in the profiles. When a debugger connects to your process, it must first pause the process, and then the heap won't mutate throughout the run of your debugging script. This is critical to be able to traverse stack closures properly.


Q: How is ghc-debug different to ghc-heap?

ghc-heap is limited to decoding normal closures, it can't traverse stack frames and therefore a full heap traversal is not possible. ghc-heap runs in-process and the instrumentation can affect the heap structure, for example, if you not careful then forcing particular values while analysing them can lead to false analysis results.

Simple examples with the TUI

To get us thinking a bit more closely about what values on the heap look like, we're going to try some simple examples using ghc-debug-tui. The examples should help test some of your intuitions about how simple Haskell values are represented on the heap.

The examples are in simple/app/Main.hs. In one terminal run:

> cabal run simple
Enter a number:
Pausing for interruption by ghc-debug

And then in another terminal you can launch the tui to inspect the heap of the running program.

> cabal run tui

When the TUI starts, the dialog will list the sockets which it has found by looking in $XDG_DATA_DIR/ghc-debug/debuggee/. The socket is opened by the call to withGhcDebug in App.hs.

After the right socket has been selected, the pause request is sent to the process. The debugger then requests the GC roots for the process and renders them in a list.

At the top of the list you can see the saved objects from the examples. Hovering over the first object you can see in the top pane the source position the thunk arose from.

Looking through the different examples you can tune your expectation about how objects are laid out on the heap.


At the moment the TUI is more of an exploratory toy than a serious debugger. For serious debugging you should write your own debugging scripts, which we will get onto later.

Part 2: Using eventlog2html

If you are trying to debug the memory usage of a large application then you can't get stuck into the nitty-gritty straight away, there's too much information. You first need to get a high-level overview of what's going on, and that's what eventlog2html is for.

Heap Profiling

GHC has a built-in heap profiler which can be used to obtain a high-level overview of the memory usage of your program. The heap profiler is a sampling profiler, at a predetermined interval the execution of your program is stopped, the profiler traverses the whole heap and then reports a summary of what's there depending on the profiling mode.

The samples are then emitted into the eventlog, the eventlog can then be processed by eventlog2html in order to create a human readable profile. The result is an interactive HTML page with several different renderings of the profile samples.

We're going to focus on two modes in particular because they do not require your application to be rebuilt in the profiling way. In order to use one of these heap profiling modes you just pass +RTS -hT/-hi when running your application.

Profile by closure type (-hT)
Each bucket corresponds to a different closure type. This provides a high-level view of whether the memory is used by constructors, functions, thunks, stack frames and so on.
Profile by info table (-hi)
Each bucket correponds to a distinct info table, each thunk, function, data constructor gets it's own info table so this provices very precise information. This mode is new in 9.2.

Aside: What is the profiling way?

It's maybe a bit confusing that we can perform two modes of heap profiling without building with the profiling way. The profiling way is primarily meant to support cost centre profiling.

An issue with the profiling way is that because it inserts cost centres into your program before optimisation, this can affect how the program is optimised. A program built with the profiling way will also use more memory as the standard heap layout contains an extra word per closure.

Aside: Increase the sample interval for programs

If you program has a large residency (> 1GB) then the default profiling interval (0.1s) is too low and will cause your program to take a long time to complete. You can increase the profiling interval by passing the -i flag. I find setting the interval to 1s is a good compromise between an informative profile and a speedy finish.

Eventlog Basics

The eventlog is a file produced by the RTS which provides information about events happening in the runtime.

In order to use the eventlog:

  1. Compile your application with -eventlog
  2. Run your application with +RTS -l.

The result will be a file called <executable>.eventlog which contains information about RTS events, such as, how much memory was used, when GC happened, information about threads and crucially for us, information about heap profiling samples.

Profiling by closure type (-hT)

Profiling by closure type is a great way to get a high-level overview of the heap usage of your program. In order to generate the closure type profile you run your executable with the -hT option. The -l option is used in addition, to generate the eventlog.

my-executable +RTS -hT -l

The resulting eventlog can then be converted into a html file using eventlog2html.

eventlog2html my-executable.eventlog

The resulting file will be my-executable.eventlog.html, this contains six different panes for visualising the result of the heap profile.

Area Chart

The area chart is the default visualisation of the heap samples. The x-axis shows elapsed time and y-axis shows residency. Each band is stacked on top of the others, by default the top 15 bands are showed explicitly and the rest of samples grouped into other.

The default view of the profile shows the 15 bands with the largest total area. This highlights bands which have consistently high memory usage throughout the program.


The linechart view shows normalised residency over time. Each residency band is normalised to a percentage of the maximum value for that band. Therefore a value of 1 indicates that at that time point, the residency of that band was the most throughout the whole profile run.

This view can help pick out slowly increasing bands from the noise of bands which fluctuate a lot over time. A band which is slowly increasing is indicative of a leak and requires further investigation.

The detailed pane

A recent addition to eventlog2html is the "detailed" pane. This provides a summary of each band in the profile.

What does each band mean in the detailed pane?

A sparkline chart showing the residency over time
The "ranking" of the band by the integrated size
A human readable label for the band
Integrated Size
The total area under the residency graph
The standard deviation of the samples
The intercept of the line of best fit calculated by least squares regression
The slope of the line calculated by least sequares regression
How well the regression fits the points

The detailed pane is useful for several reasons.

  1. You can easily identify each band of residency and consider it in turn.
  2. You can see sources of residency which are too small to appear in one of the stacked views.
  3. You can search the bands to find specific sources of interest. For example, the allocations from a certain constructor.
  4. Patterns between different bands can be identified by eye.

Something I regularly do is go to the detailed pane, and click through each page looking to see if there are common patterns. Once getting to the smaller bands this can be particularlly useful because small bands are often not polluted to the same extent as large bands. For example, your profile might contain contribution of ARR_WORDS from many different sources but there's likely to be a correlated band further down the profile for ByteString or another wrapper type.

The root cause of memory issues is not usually the biggest band in the profile

Another trick is to sort by the "slope" column to find bands which have high slope value, these ones are bands which increase steadily over time and might indicate leaks.

The heap pane

The heap pane shows information about memory:

  • Live bytes: Green line: Amount of live data (should match top of area pane)
  • Blocks Size: Red line: Total size of allocated blocks
  • Heap Size: Blue Line: Total size of allocated megablocks

OS memory usage corresponds roughly to the heap size, and the size of the nursery is approximatey the difference between the red and blue lines.

For understanding the relationship between blocks size and live bytes, this blog post contains more information.

This view can also be useful in identifying fragmentation. A very badly fragmented heap will have low live bytes (green) bit much higher blocks size (red line).

Adding markers

Markers can also be emitted to the eventlog to mark specific points in the program. These markers will also be rendered on the profile so execution time can be correlated with human understandable events.

import Debug.Trace

traceMarkerIO :: String -> IO ()

Some applications (such as ghc -ddump-timings) produce a large number of markers so it's necessary to filter the markers before displaying them on the profile or the output is unreadable.

Filtering markers

There are three options for controlling the display of traces on the chart.

--no-traces will remove all traces from the chart.
-i SUBSTRING will keep traces which contain the given substring.
-x SUBSTRING will remove traces which contain a given substring.

If a trace matches both an -i and an -x option then it is included in the chart.

Profiling by Info Table (-hi)

The second profiling mode is info table profiling which is new in GHC 9.2. The process of creating and viewing a profile is the same as with -hT, but the detailed pane is now the most useful as that's the only way to get information about about the specific names of the info tables. In the stacked view, the index of each band is the address of the info table.

The detailed pane now also has some additional fields, as there is more information about each info table stored in the eventlog. As well as the statistical information there are also source locations and type information about the types of closures.

The new fields are:

Human-readable description of the info table
The closure type of the info table
The Haskell type of the info table
The module the info table originated from
An estimated source location the allocation came from, if we have one

In this detailed pane, the first two bands of allocations arise from constructors. Specifically, the : and TyConApp constructors. A source location is given which tracks where in the program this allocation happened, this might not be where to fix the issue but gives a good start to understand the memory flow in your program.

The third band of allocation is a bit special, because it comes from the ARR_WORDS info table, which is hard-coded into the RTS. Therefore there's no precise source location for this band.

The fourth band arises from the IfaceTyCon constructor, and also has no location information. This might be due to a bug in the implementation of -finfo-table-map or simply that the heuristic couldn't find a source location to attach to the info table. Cases such as these deserve investigation.

In total we can see there are about 15000 different info tables used during the program, this level of detail lets us get a very precise idea about where and what is contributing to allocation.


With these extra fields, searching the detailed pane becomes even more useful. For example:

  • If you think you have an issue with thunks, then filter the CTy column by "THUNK" and only thunk closures will be displayed:

  • If you are interested about residency arising from one module, then you can search by a certain module:

  • Searches can be combined together to create more complicated queries.

Aside: Why do the reported module and location differ?

For some info tables the "Loc" field will not be a location in the same module as the "Module" field. This is due to inlining, the "Module" field reports information about where the info table was created, which may not be in the module the source code was written because the definition may have been inlined across modules.


Now we understand how to create and interpret a heap profile using a combination of the eventlog and eventlog2html. This provides a high-level overview of your programs memory usage.

Exercise: Profiling an application

We have prepared a simple server application which might have some memory issues to investigate with eventlog2html and ghc-debug. The application is in the haskell-scotty-realworld-example-app directory. The application is an implementation of the realworld example application, it's a simple clone which has endpoints for registering users, creating articles and writing comments.

There are three scripts to interact with the example application.

# Start the docker container for postgres

# Start the server (a wrapper around cabal run)

# Issue dummy requests which creates 1000 articles

The exercise is to profile the application using eventlog2html. Keep reading if you need more help!


How do I enable profiling?
  1. Add -eventlog to the ghc-options of the cabal file
  2. Modify the ./run_server script to pass the relevant profiling options.
  3. Run the server, the eventlog will be produced at realworld.eventlog
  4. Visualise the eventlog with eventlog2html, what do you see?
Passing options to an executable with cabal run

Options can be passed to an executable invoked by cabal run by specifying the arguments after --.

cabal run exe -- args for exe here
Why is my profile truncated?

The eventlog output is buffered, stop the server before rendering the profile.

Part 3a: Using ghc-debug on a bigger application

ghc-debug is best suited for precise analysis of memory usage once you have formulated a precise question to ask. The normal way to use ghc-debug is to write a little debugger script using the library functions which summarises the heap in a domain-specific way.

There are four libraries which are part of the ghc-debug family.

Package Description
ghc-debug-stub Functions needed for instrumenting your application.
ghc-debug-common The low-level API for connecting, issuing requests and decoding responses.
ghc-debug-client High-level traversal functions implemented using ghc-debug-common. These are the functions you want to use to write your debugging scripts.
ghc-debug-convention Conventions which ghc-debug-stub and ghc-debug-common adhere to. For example, where to place the created socket.

Your application is instrumented with functions from ghc-debug-stub and we write analysis scripts with functions from ghc-debug-client.

Instrumenting an application for ghc-debug

The GHC.Debug.Stub module from ghc-debug-stub exports the withGhcDebug function which can be used to wrap an application to allow it to be controlled by a debugger.

import GHC.Debug.Stub

-- withGhcDebug :: IO a -> IO a

main = withGhcDebug $ do ...

Now when the application is started, a socket will be opened which can be connected to by a debugger. Once the debugger is connected, the instrumented process can be paused and its heap inspected.

The GHC_DEBUG_SOCKET environment variable controls where the socket is created.

Writing a Debugger

A debugger is a Haskell program which connects to the socket and then takes control of the program. Once in control of a program, there are a number of requests which can be issued in order to learn information about the heap. Together they can be used to perform a complete heap traversal.

There is a simple debugger in debugger/.

{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Main where

import GHC.Debug.Client
import GHC.Debug.Count

main :: IO ()
main = withDebuggeeConnect "/tmp/ghc-debug" prog

prog :: Debuggee -> IO ()
prog e = do
  pause e
  res <- run e $ do
    rs <- gcRoots
    count rs
  resume e
  print res

The debugger starts by connecting to the socket which is located at /tmp/ghc-debug. Once connected, the program prog is executed. This program traverses the whole heap and reports how many closures there are live on the heap.

  1. The program starts by pauseing the application
  2. Once the application is paused, we can start issuing requests to the program. First the gcRoots :: DebugM [ClosurePtr] are requested.
  3. The count :: [ClosurePtr] -> DebugM CensusStats function is a built-in traversal which counts the number and size of reachable closures.
  4. The run :: Debuggee -> DebugM a -> IO a function executes the analysis.
  5. The analysed program is then resumed resume :: Debuggee -> IO ().
  6. Before finally the result of the census is printed.

The debugger can be run with:

cabal run debugger

Finding Retainers

The killer application of ghc-debug is finding out what is retaining specific closures. For example, using ghc-debug you can answer questions such as what is the precise path from a GC root to a certain closure. This information is usually very informative and by reading the path you can understand why something is being retained.

ghc-debug-common provides library functions in the GHC.Debug.Retainers module which are useful for computing retainer paths.

As with most analysis modes in ghc-debug, there is a familar pattern to the analysis.

  1. Pause the program
  2. Traverse the heap to find the information which you care about
  3. Unpause the program
  4. Render the information to the user.

Here is a sample analysis script for finding retainers of a constructor called TyConApp:

retainers :: Debuggee -> IO ()
retainers e = do
  pause e
  res <- run e $ do
    roots <- gcRoots
    rs <- tyConApp roots
    traverse (\c -> (show (head c),) <$> (addLocationToStack c)) rs
  resume e
  displayRetainerStack res

tyConApp :: [ClosurePtr] -> DebugM [[ClosurePtr]]
tyConApp rroots = findRetainers (Just 100) rroots go
    go cp sc =
      case noSize sc of
        ConstrClosure _ ps _ cd -> do
          ConstrDesc _ _  cname <- dereferenceConDesc cd
          return $ cname == "TyConApp"
        _ -> return $ False

The script follows the same structure as the previous ghc-debug program. Now instead of calling count the tyConApp function calls the library function findRetainers.

findRetainers :: Maybe Int
              -> [ClosurePtr]
              -> (ClosurePtr -> SizedClosure -> DebugM Bool)
              -> DebugM [[ClosurePtr]]

findRetainers starts traversing the heap from the given set of roots. At each closure it encounters the predicate function is applied, if the predicate is true then the path to that closure is returned. When also passed a limit, the function will stop after finding k closures matching the predicate.

The go function is the predicate function which is applied on each closure on the heap. It checks to see if the closure in question is a constructor closure and whether the name of the constructor matches TyConApp.

    go cp sc =
      case noSize sc of
        ConstrClosure _ ps _ cd -> do
          ConstrDesc _ _  cname <- dereferenceConDesc cd
          return $ cname == "TyConApp"
        _ -> return $ False

Once the retainer stack is returned, it's useful to first call the addLocationToStack function, which annotates the stack with source locations, the annotated stack can then be printed by the displayRetainerStack function.

addLocationToStack :: [ClosurePtr] -> DebugM [(SizedClosureC, Maybe SourceInformation)]
displayRetainerStack :: [(String, [(SizedClosureC, Maybe SourceInformation)])] -> IO ()

The output of this function leaves a little to be desired but contains a wealth of information.

TyConApp 0x42884b6260 0x4225a44a68 <:GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep:compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Rep.hs:1029:20-22>
Id 0x4241352d58 0x4225a44120 0x7fa762bf06c0 0x7fa764861480 0x7fa76478eeb0 0x420ea9f9e8 6341068275337658638 <:GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify:compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs:(781,9)-(793,67)>
Tip 0x420ea9fa38 6341068275337658638 <:Data.IntMap.Internal:libraries/containers/containers/src/Data/IntMap/Internal.hs:838:27>
Bin 0x422606d488 0x420eaa0328 6341068275337658368 256 <:Data.IntMap.Internal:libraries/containers/containers/src/Data/IntMap/Internal.hs:835:21-44>
Bin 0x422606d4a0 0x422607ea10 4611686018427387904 2305843009213693952 <:Data.IntMap.Internal:libraries/containers/containers/src/Data/IntMap/Internal.hs:836:21-44>
Bin 0x4283d20530 0x422607ea38 0 4611686018427387904 <:Data.IntMap.Internal:libraries/containers/containers/src/Data/IntMap/Internal.hs:836:21-44>
_bh 0x422607ea60 <nl>
SimplEnv 0x42130cabd0 0x7fa7505d5ae8 0x7fa7505d5ae8 0x422607d550 0x422607d530 <:GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Env:compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Env.hs:(806,1)-(829,41)>
_thunk(  ) 0x422607d578 0x422607e4b0 <Unfolding:GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify:compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs:3004:14-48>
IdInfo 0x7fa764790090 0x422607e6b0 0x7fa764713410 0x7fa76470e360 0x7fa764744068 0x7fa764741618 0x7fa764744930 0x7fa74f112478 0 <:GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify:compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs:3005:54-64>
Id 0x4234a4e600 0x4234a4e5a8 0x7fa762bf06c0 0x7fa764861480 0x7fa76478eeb0 0x422607e850 6341068275337658369 <:GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify:compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs:3005:44-52>
Tip 0x422607e8a0 6341068275337658369 <:Data.IntMap.Internal:libraries/containers/containers/src/Data/IntMap/Internal.hs:838:27>
Bin 0x422607ea88 0x42647b2700 6341068275337658368 256 <:Data.IntMap.Internal:libraries/containers/containers/src/Data/IntMap/Internal.hs:836:21-44>
Bin 0x42647b2728 0x4283091b58 4611686018427387904 2305843009213693952 <:Data.IntMap.Internal:libraries/containers/containers/src/Data/IntMap/Internal.hs:836:21-44>
Bin 0x4283d20530 0x4283091b80 0 4611686018427387904 <:Data.IntMap.Internal:libraries/containers/containers/src/Data/IntMap/Internal.hs:836:21-44>
_bh 0x4283091ba8 <nl>
_thunk(  ) 0x42830912e8 0x4283091368 <InScopeSet:GHC.Types.Var.Env:compiler/GHC/Types/Var/Env.hs:(318,6)-(320,55)>
Stack( 4093 ) <nl>
TSO <nl>
TSO <nl>

What you can learn from a stack, depends on the stack and also your own domain knowledge of a program. This above stack explains that a THUNK which has type InScopeSet retains an IntMap which contains Ids and in one of those Ids, there is an IdInfo field which has thunk of type Unfolding which retains a … and so on. This information can be verbose but very useful. You need to look at the source positions and program in order to understand what is going on and whether it is good or bad. Randomly forcing thunks is likely to get you nowhere. We didn’t write ghc-debug to get people to randomly insert bang patterns -- you can now be precise.

Exercise: Using ghc-debug on the example application

Now we are going to use ghc-debug on the example application which we profiled before using heap profiling.

First we'll just get things set-up, instrument the application and test it with the example debugger script.

  1. Instrument the application using the withGhcDebug function.
  2. Start the server and connect with the example debugger (cabal run debugger)

Now it's time to get serious. Look at the profile created by eventlog2html? What is leaking in the profile? Use the findRetainers function to work out what's retaining the leak.

  1. Modify the debugger to use findRetainers.
  2. Run the debugger again, can you fix the leak?
  3. Check with eventlog2html that the leak is actually fixed.

The profile should be quite flat if you have fixed the leak correctly.

Custom Traversals

Closures are represented as a Haskell data type called DebugClosure. There's a constructor for each of the different closure types, traversals of the heap can be written as normal Haskell functions in terms of the DebugClosure data type!

Analysis Scripts

Documentation for some common analysis modes is in ghc-debug-client

Module Description
GHC.Debug.GML Export a heap graph to the GML format for further analysis.
GHC.Debug.ObjectEquiv Attempt to find identical closures which could be shared to save space
GHC.Debug.Profile Functions for performing whole heap census in the style of the normal -hT heap profiling
GHC.Debug.Retainers Functions for finding out what is retaining a specific closure
GHC.Debug.Snapshot Create a snapshot so analysis can be performed without a running process
GHC.Debug.TypePointsFrom Create a "type points from" census in the style of Cork

Extension: Snapshots

There are two modes which ghc-debug can be used. The first mode connects to a running process over a socket and then queries information from the heap of the process over the socket. The second mode uses a saved snapshot, created after connecting to the process using the first mode, which allows analysis to be completed without connecting to the process.

The same analysis programs can be used in both modes, if you are using snapshot mode then write requests such as pausing and resuming are just ignored.

There are two advantages of taking a snapshot:

  1. Your analysis is reproducible across separate runs.
  2. Performance can be much faster.

The recommended way to use ghc-debug is to take a snapshot by connecting to the process and then performing further analysis on the snapshot.

Taking Snapshots

Functions to do with snapshotting can be found in GHC.Debug.Snapshot. The easiest way to take a snapshot is to use the precanned makeSnapshot function.

main = withDebuggeeConnect "/tmp/ghc-debug" (\e -> makeSnapshot e "/tmp/ghc-debug-cache)

When this program runs, it will connect to the /tmp/ghc-debug socket and save the snapshot to /tmp/ghc-debug-cache. Simple.

Using Snapshots

A Debuggee can be created from a snapshot by using the snapshotRun function.

main = snapshotRun "/tmp/ghc-debug-cache" p41c

The /tmp/ghc-debug-cache snapshot which we just saved will be loaded and the p41c program will be executed on the snapshot.

Size of Snapshots

Snapshots are quite large but only a small order of magnitude larger than the approximate memory footprint of the program. The size is bloated a bit at the moment as even unreachable blocks are included in the snapshot. In future the size of snapshots might be optimised to only include reachable blocks.

Part 3b: Using ghc-debug/eventlog2html on your own application

Now you have all the tools to profile an application, it's time to try it out on your own! Feel free to ask for help in #ghc or on the issue tracker if there are any issues you run into.