spotify-control-rust copied to clipboard
A simple CLI to control Spotify via D-bus
A simple CLI to control Spotify via D-bus
It was tested on Linux to control Spotify, but as it uses mpris crate behind the scenes, it could control any player that implements MPRIS.
$ sudo sh -c "curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/spotify-control && chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/spotify-control"
Controls Spotify from CLI, retrieve current playing data
spotify-control [SUBCOMMAND]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
next send next command to Spotify
pause send pause command to Spotify
play send play command to Spotify
play_pause send play_pause command to Spotify
previous send previous command to Spotify
status fetch current playing metadata
You can use spotify-control
to control your Spotify, and display current song in Polybar.
Bar configuration
modules-center = previous playpause next spotify
Modules configuration (adapt colors to your theme)
type = custom/script
interval = 86400
format = "%{T3}<label>"
format-padding = 3
exec = echo ""
; Check if spotify is running before displaying the icon
exec-if = "pgrep spotify"
format-underline = #3EC13F
format-foreground = #99D1CE
format-background = #0A0F14
line-size = 1
click-left = "spotify-control previous"
type = custom/script
interval = 86400
format = "%{T3}<label>"
format-padding = 3
; Next song icon
exec = echo ""
; Check if spotify is running before displaying the icon
exec-if = "pgrep spotify"
format-underline = #3EC13F
format-foreground = #99D1CE
format-background = #0A0F14
line-size = 1
click-left = "spotify-control next"
type = custom/ipc
hook-0 = echo " "
hook-1 = echo ""
hook-2 = echo ""
initial = 1
format-padding = 4
format-underline = #3EC13F
format-foreground = #99D1CE
format-background = #0A0F14
line-size = 1
click-left = "spotify-control play_pause"
type = custom/ipc
hook-0 = echo ""
hook-1 = spotify-control status
initial = 1
format-padding = 3
format-underline = #3EC13F
format-foreground = #99D1CE
format-background = #0A0F14
line-size = 1
; [i3wm only] - Uncomment the below line to focus on Spotify when clicking on the song name (credits to
click-left = i3-msg '[class="Spotify"] focus'
I use the python version of dietervanhoof ( for years, but I wanted an easy-to-install version. Inspired by the C implementation by mihirlad55: