Military-Rank-Web-Font-Icons icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Font Icons That Include All US Armed Forces Ranks


Font Icons That Include All US Armed Forces Ranks

Miliary Rank Icons


        <i class="rank rank-01-e7"></i> GySgt Edward Jones

Breakdown of class structure

  • All ranks have a 'rank-' prefix

  • Next two digits represent military branch

    • USMC - 01
    • Navy - 02 (Only Navy ranks have an additional 2 digits after branch to represent MOS)
      • General rank - 00
      • Hospital Corpsman - 01
      • Special Warfare Operator - 02
      • ...More to come!
    • Army - 03
    • Air Force - 04
  • Last characters represent the paygrade of the rank you want to show

  • If a seperate rank has the same paygrade, it's added with another dash and an additional number

Reference guide for all Paygrade codes:

Military Ranks List

Please let me know if you have any feedback or I've made an error for a specfic rank. Thanks!

CSS classes of current icons

USMC - Enlisted

Icon Rank CSS Mapping
Private (Pvt) 'nothing'
Private First Class Private First Class (PFC) .rank-01-e2
Lance Coporal Lance Coporal (LCpl) .rank-01-e3
Corporal Coporal (Cpl) .rank-01-e4
Sergeant Sergeant (Sgt) .rank-01-e5
Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant (SSgt) .rank-01-e6
Gunnery Sergeant Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) .rank-01-e7
Master Sergeant Master Sergeant (MSgt) .rank-01-e8-1
First Sergeant First Sergeant (1stSgt) .rank-01-e8-2
Master Gunnery Sergeant Master Gunnery Sergeant (MGySgt) .rank-01-e9-1
Sergeant Major Sergeant Major (SgtMaj) .rank-01-e9-2
Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps (SgtMajMarCor) .rank-01-e9-3

USMC - Warrant Officers

Icon Rank CSS Mapping
Warrant Officer Warrant Officer (W1) .rank-01-w1
Chief Warrant Officer 2 Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CW2) .rank-01-cw2
Chief Warrant Officer 3 Chief Warrant Officer 3 (CW3) .rank-01-w1 rank-inverse-warrant
Chief Warrant Officer 4 Chief Warrant Officer 4 (CW4) .rank-01-cw2 rank-inverse-warrant
Chief Warrant Officer 5 Chief Warrant Officer 5 (CW5) .rank-01-cw5

Note: Because W-1 and CWO3 are the same design but gold and silver, and CWO2 and CWO4 are the same design, I used the same SVG. If you wish to distinguish between the two, you can use .rank-inverse-warrant along with the rank class.

USMC - Officers

Icon Rank CSS Mapping
2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant (2ndLt) .rank-01-o1
1st Lieutenant 1st Lieutenant (1stLt) .rank-01-o2
Captain Captain (Capt) .rank-01-o3
Major Major (Maj) .rank-01-o4
Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel (LtCol) .rank-01-o5
Colonel Colonel (Col) .rank-01-o6
Brigadier General Brigadier General (BGen) .rank-01-o7
Major General Major General (MajGen) .rank-01-o8
Lieutenant General Lieutenant General (LtGen) .rank-01-o9
General General (Gen) .rank-01-o10

Navy - Enlisted

Icon Rank CSS Mapping
Seaman Recruit (SR) 'nothing'
Seaman Apprentice Seaman Apprentice (SA) .rank-02-00-e2
Seaman Seaman (SN) .rank-02-00-e3
Petty Officer 3rd Class Petty Officer 3rd Class (PO3) .rank-02-00-e4
Petty Officer 2nd Class Petty Officer 2nd Class (PO2) .rank-02-00-e5
Petty Officer 1st Class Petty Officer 1st Class (PO1) .rank-02-00-e6
Chief Petty Officer Chief Petty Officer (CPO) .rank-02-00-e7
Senior Chief Petty Officer Senior Chief Petty Officer (SCPO) .rank-02-00-e8
Master Chief Petty Officer Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO) .rank-02-00-e9-01
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) .rank-02-00-e9-01

Navy - Enlisted - Hospital Corpsman

Icon Rank CSS Mapping
Hospitalman Recruit (HR) 'nothing'
Hospitalman Apprentice Hospitalman Apprentice (HA) .rank-02-01-e2
Hospitalman Hospitalman (HN) .rank-02-01-e3
Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class (HM3) .rank-02-01-e4
Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class (HM2) .rank-02-01-e5
Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Hospital Corpsman 1st Class (HM1) .rank-02-01-e6
Chief Hospital Corpsman Chief Hospital Corpsman (HMC) .rank-02-01-e7
Senior Chief Hospital Corpsman Senior Chief Hospital Corpsman (HMCS) .rank-02-01-e8
Master Chief Hospital Corpsman Master Chief Hospital Corpsman (HMCM) .rank-02-00-e9

Navy - Enlisted - Special Warfare Operator

Icon Rank CSS Mapping
Special Warfare Operator, 3rd Class Special Warfare Operator, 3rd Class (SO3) .rank-02-02-e4
Special Warfare Operator, 2nd Class Special Warfare Operator, 2nd Class (SO2) .rank-02-02-e5
Special Warfare Operator, 1st Class Special Warfare Operator, 1st Class (SO1) .rank-02-02-e6
Chief Special Warfare Operator Chief Special Warfare Operator (SOC) .rank-02-02-e7
Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator (SOCS) .rank-02-02-e9
Master Chief Special Warfare Operator Master Chief Special Warfare Operator (SOCM) .rank-02-02-e9-1

Army - Enlisted

Icon Rank CSS Mapping
Private (PVT) 'nothing'
Private Private (PV2) .rank-03-e2
Private First Class Private First Class (PFC) .rank-03-e3
Specialist Specialist (SPC) .rank-03-e4-2
Corporal Corporal (CPL) .rank-03-e4-1
Sergeant Sergeant (SGT) .rank-03-e5
Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant (SSG) .rank-03-e6
Sergeant First Class Sergeant First Class (SFC) .rank-03-e7
Master Sergeant Master Sergeant (MSG) .rank-03-e8-2
First Sergeant First Sergeant (1SG) .rank-03-e8-1
Sergeant Major Sergeant Major (SGM) .rank-03-e9-3
Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major (CSM) .rank-03-e9-2
Sergeant Major of the Army Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA) .rank-03-e9-1

Air Force - Enlisted

Icon Rank CSS Mapping
Airman Basic (AB) 'nothing'
Airman Airman (Amn) .rank-04-e3
Airman First Class Airman First Class (A1C) .rank-04-e2
Senior Airman Senior Airman (SrA) .rank-04-e4
Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant (SSgt) .rank-04-e5
Technical Sergeant Technical Sergeant (TSgt) .rank-04-e6
Master Sergeant Master Sergeant (MSgt) .rank-04-e7
Senior Master Sergeant Senior Master Sergeant (SMSgt) .rank-04-e8
Chief Master Sergeant Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt) .rank-04-e9-1
Chief Master Sergeant Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt) .rank-04-e9-2
Command Chief Master Sergeant Command Chief Master Sergeant (CCM) .rank-04-e9-3
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force (CMSAF) .rank-04-e9-4

Additional Classes

CSS Sizes

  • .rank-2x -> .rank-14x

  • .rank-fw

  • .rank-border

  • .rank-spin

  • .rank-rotate-90

  • .rank-rotate-180

  • .rank-rotate-270

  • .rank-flip-horizontal

  • .rank-flip-vertical

  • .rank-stack

  • .rank-inverse

  • .rank-inverse-warrant


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