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Modify pyGAT ( to use PyTorch sparse operators for implementation of SpGraphAttentionLayer

Pytorch Graph Attention Network

This is a PyTorch implementation of the Graph Attention Network (GAT) model presented by Veličković et. al (2017,

The repo has been forked initially from by simplifying class SpGraphAttentionLayer using PyTorch sparse operators.

Please cite the following:

  title="{Graph Attention Networks}",
  author={Veli{\v{c}}kovi{\'{c}}, Petar and Cucurull, Guillem and Casanova, Arantxa and Romero, Adriana and Li{\`{o}}, Pietro and Bengio, Yoshua},
  journal={International Conference on Learning Representations},
  note={accepted as poster},

The branch master contains the implementation using sparse operators.