libtorch-yolov3-deepsort copied to clipboard
enviroment list please
Can anyone tell me which version of libtorch,opencv,visual stdio you use could works? I have tried many times in the environment of vs2019, libtorch1.4, opencv 4.2.there is a bug at Darknet.cpp #line142 x = torch::cat({map_1, map_2}, 1); I guess the version of vs or libtorch is not match,so could anybody who has run successfully tell me what the version is
I have compilation errors. One of them is : namespace "torch::nn" has no member "BatchNorm" . This method does not appear in the documentation either. I looked for it in all versions. ( 0.1.12 - 1.6.0 ) . Other compilation errors:
- with_bias -BatchNormImpl -Conv2dOptions class does not contain stride_, padding_, groups_, with_bias_
Any suggestion?
For 1.3:
- error: ‘torch::ExpandingArray<2> torch::nn::ConvOptions<2>::stride_’ is private within this context torch::nn::Conv2dOptions conv_options(
- conv_options.stride_ = stride;
- conv_options.padding_ = padding;
- conv_options.groups_ = groups;
- conv_options.with_bias_ = with_bias;
- conv_options.stride(stride);
- conv_options.padding(padding);
- conv_options.groups(groups);
- conv_options.with_bias(with_bias);
torch::nn::BatchNormOptions bn_options(
- bn_options.affine_ = true;
- bn_options.stateful_ = true;
- bn_options.affine(true);
- bn_options.stateful(true);
@lbdalmendray hi, have you solved your problem? I just met it too
torch::nn::BatchNorm -> torch::nn::BatchNorm2d ; conv_options.stride_ = stride -> conv_options.stride(stride) torch::nn::BatchNormImpl -> torch::nn::BatchNorm2dImpl and so on @xuweilin2014
For 1.3:
error: ‘torch::ExpandingArray<2> torch::nn::ConvOptions<2>::stride_’ is private within this context torch::nn::Conv2dOptions conv_options(
conv_options.stride_ = stride;
conv_options.padding_ = padding;
conv_options.groups_ = groups;
conv_options.with_bias_ = with_bias;
torch::nn::BatchNormOptions bn_options(
bn_options.affine_ = true;
bn_options.stateful_ = true;