Jannis Weis

Results 114 comments of Jannis Weis

> @weisJ > only works if I set true in this parameter What I want you to check is whether using the System LookAndFeel instead of darklaf produces the issue....

> @weisJ > in new updates the same problems again Does this mean the problem went away in some intermediate versions? If not I'll have to say that I never...

> @weisJ > this problem was fixed in only one version; By fixed do you mean the issue wasn't present or it could be circumvented by using `JPopupMenu.setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled (true);`? Also...

Well couldn’t you try out the last few versions and check whether it works? Knowing which version doesn’t have the problem would be a great benefit in solving it.

Please create a separate issue with the necessary information.

You can do the following thing: - Try out different monitors (if possible). - Try out different screen resolutions. - Try out different scaling factors. - Try out different versions...

Thank you for the insight. I’ll have a look at what causes the performance issues.

After doing some analysis I could mitigate some of the performance issues. Most time was wasted painting the svg icons and doing heavy `Area` calculations during painting. After adding image...

So basically `UIManagerDefaults` as a web page? + the demos in all combinations

The property values can now be viewed on [https://weisj.github.io/darklaf/](https://weisj.github.io/darklaf/)