jqgrid-asp.net-mvc copied to clipboard
jqgrid-asp.net-mvc is a .dll file format library. It is for asp.net mvc programmer to easily and quickly accomplish work in using jqGrid in asp.net mvc. Our goal is let asp.net mvc programmer write th...
current just support asp.net mvc. Should support asp.net webform too
If can write below code to instead of JavaScript at Razor should save a lots code @(Html.Grid("basic") .SetCaption("Basic Grid") .AddColumn(new Column("Id") .SetLabel("Id")) .AddColumn(new Column("FirstName")) .AddColumn(new Column("LastName")) .AddColumn(new Column("City")) .AddColumn(new Column("Zip"))...
Some fans said the current version targets MVC 5.2. It is too high. It should target MVC 3 because many projects still use MVC 3