nvim-code-action-menu copied to clipboard
Omnisharp actions don't work
neovim version: 0.6.0 lsp server: Omnisharp plugin config:
g.code_action_menu_show_details = false
Actual behavior:
when select option [1] nothing happens
Expected behavior:
using System.Threading.Tasks;
in the beginning of a file.
Omnisharp code actions works fine for default code actions in neovim. And this plugin works fine with rust_analyzer
Also, window for some reason looks quite weird.
I am seeing the same. :/
I have the same exact issue.
Same issue for me
For me the exact same thing is happening.
I'd suggest moving to https://github.com/glepnir/lspsaga.nvim, it does the code actions as expected, and a bunch of other stuff. Oh, and combine that with https://github.com/Hoffs/omnisharp-extended-lsp.nvim for go-to-definition for non-local source.
Same for me.