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Dear Author,
I could reproduce task including MYTAG,PTC,NCl1,PROTEINS,IMDB-B,IMDB-M,RDT-M5K using the parameters of your paper, however, I could not reproduce the results for RDT-B and COLLAB using the parameters.
Might I get your advice or suggestion about reproducing the results of COLLAB and RDT-B.
hello, the code does not have a validation set, how to get the test set result.
I reviewer the closed topic and try the --degree_as_tag
Dear Author,
I could reproduce task including MYTAG,PTC,NCl1,PROTEINS,IMDB-B,IMDB-M,RDT-M5K using the parameters of your paper, however, I could not reproduce the results for RDT-B and COLLAB using the parameters.
Might I get your advice or suggestion about reproducing the results of COLLAB and RDT-B.
Hi, I want to ask how do you reproduce the results? Like the MYTAG, I tried all the combinations of the paper's mentioned hyper-parameters......
Two quick points you can confirm are:
- Have you correctly specified --graph_pooling_type? We used the sum graph pooling for bio/chemistry datasets and the mean graph pooling for social network datasets.
- Have you added --deg_as_tag (use the node degree as the input node feature) for IMDB and COLLAB?