ZhengWei Lin
ZhengWei Lin
in test_RealVSR_wo_GT.py # dataset read_folder = '/home/yangxi/datasets/RealVSR/test_frames_YCbCr' the test_frames_YCbCr' in this path where did it come from?There is no file with this name in the downloaded dataset
How can I solve this problem when I run it? (realvsr) lzw@computer3:~/code/RealVSR/RealVSR-main/codes$ python test_RealVSR_wi_GT.py 22-04-06 17:05:11.072 - INFO: Data: RealVSR - /home/lzw/code/data/ycbcr/LQ_YCbCr_test 22-04-06 17:05:11.073 - INFO: Padding mode: replicate 22-04-06...