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Weird grpc error: address already in use
I've observed this weird log today, the grpc server failed to start itself since the address has been bind. Let's keep an eye on this problem.
13:12:20 VERB Wechaty wechatifyUserModules(Puppet#0<PuppetWork>(puppet_wxwork_17aa17442cfb0dea))
13:12:20 VERB PuppetWork start()
13:12:20 VERB StateSwitch <PuppetWork> on(pending) <- (false)
13:12:20 VERB PuppetWork startManager()
13:12:20 VERB Bridge start()
13:12:20 VERB Bridge start() websocket not initialized, initializing...
13:12:20 VERB Bridge getConnectCallback()
13:12:20 VERB Bridge getCloseCallback()
13:12:20 VERB Bridge getEventCallback()
13:12:31 VERB Manager initQueue()
13:12:31 INFO Manager start() started
13:12:31 VERB StateSwitch <PuppetWork> on(true) <- (pending)
13:12:31 VERB PuppetWork start() started
13:12:31 VERB Wechaty on(heartbeat, listener) registering... listenerCount: 1
13:12:31 VERB StateSwitch <Wechaty> on(true) <- (pending)
13:12:31 VERB IoClient startHostie()
13:12:31 VERB PuppetServer constructor({endpoint: "", puppet: "Puppet#0<PuppetWork>(puppet_wxwork_17aa17442cfb0dea)", token: "puppet_wxwork_17aa17442cfb0dea"})
13:12:31 VERB PuppetServer start()
13:12:31 VERB EventStreamManager constructor(Puppet#0<PuppetWork>(puppet_wxwork_17aa17442cfb0dea))
E0921 06:12:31.596000000 500 server_chttp2.cc:40] {"created":"@1600665151.596000000","description":"No address added out of total 1 resolved","file":"d:\a\grpc-node\grpc-node\packages\grpc-native-core\deps\grpc\src\core\ext\transport\chttp2\server\chttp2_server.cc","file_line":394,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1600665151.596000000","description":"Failed to add port to server","file":"d:\a\grpc-node\grpc-node\packages\grpc-native-core\deps\grpc\src\core\lib\iomgr\tcp_server_custom.cc","file_line":404,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1600665151.596000000","description":"Failed to listen to port","file":"d:\a\grpc-node\grpc-node\packages\grpc-native-core\deps\grpc\src\core\lib\iomgr\tcp_uv.cc","file_line":72,"grpc_status":14,"os_error":"address already in use"}]}]}
13:12:31 ERR IoClient start() exception: grpc server bind fail!
13:12:31 VERB StateSwitch <IoClient> off(true) <- (false)
13:12:31 ERR Client start() fail: Error: grpc server bind fail!
13:12:31 VERB IoClient quit()
13:12:31 VERB StateSwitch <IoClient> off(pending) <- (true)
13:12:31 VERB Wechaty <@juzibot/wechaty-puppet-wxwork> stop() v0.48.3 is stopping ...
13:12:31 VERB StateSwitch <WechatyReady> off(true) <- (true)
13:12:31 VERB StateSwitch <Wechaty> off(pending) <- (false)
13:12:31 VERB PuppetWork stop()
13:12:31 VERB StateSwitch <PuppetWork> off(pending) <- (false)
13:12:31 VERB PuppetWork stopManager()
13:12:31 VERB Manager stop()
13:12:31 VERB Bridge stop()
This is caused by multiple io-client
process running at the same time. And seems like when the puppet is crashed or stopped, the io-client
process is not stopped for some reason.
Still need more investigation on this issue.