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Question about eventType Dirty in gRPC
Wechat Versions
- Wechaty docker version: latest
- WECHATY_PUPPET: wechaty-puppet-wechat
The Bug
I'm not sure whether this reason, I am trying to make the person who not the bot's contact to join a room by scanning QR Code today, and met Wechaty.Module.Puppet.WechatyPuppet
infinite to print the following the following warning,like below
info: Wechaty.Module.Puppet.WechatyPuppet[0]
dateTime:2021-12-26 23:17:53 Dirty,PayLoad:{"payloadId":"@@ccb2cc7225adcf3bc8b94252998761af3c05b13d3966dc944c861ad131cb2a2d","payloadType":2}
warn: Wechaty.Module.Puppet.WechatyPuppet[0]
eventType Dirty unsupported! (code should not reach here)
And then the program was no any response.
Do not use wechaty docker latest version, you can user eg: 0.56 0.78 , Version 1.0+ is currently being adapted by padlocal