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Bot Friday 第十二次活动纪要 - Bot Friday
Bot Friday 第十二次活动纪要 - Bot Friday
« Bot5 第十一次活动纪要: Bot5 Episode 11 «
I, Yuan Gao, is the Vice Chair of BOT5 seminar 12.
I confirm that the Chair had followed(or not followed) the following steps in this seminar:
- [x] Chair followed all the Chair Manual requirements
- [x] Before Seminar
- [x] During Seminar
- [x] After Seminar
- [x] Members followed all the Member Manual requirements
- [x] Newcomers followed all the Newcomer Manual requirements
Additional Notes: put additional information here (if any).
I am Simon Liang 梁皓然, and I am a freelance developer, contributor of Wechaty and Rasa. I want to join this meetup this week and present what I have been slowly working towards.
I want to share a few experiments I have done with some of the cool new features in Rasa, especially the ability to set up quick 1-round responses using the ResponseSelector
and complex knowledge-based responses using the QueryKnowledgeBaseAction
. It will be largely covered with my work-in-progress code samples coupled with lightweight notes jotted down for discussion.
Since our team is going to Bali for 2 months to hack chatbot products and hopefully gain lots of experiences with it, so I figured I should come here for one more time before I head out.
郭成凯, 前小米深度学习组算法专家, 对话机器人爱好者
高原, 句子互动联合创始人 & CTO 对话机器人实践者
讨论内容:Bot Friday Bot 的设计与规划
- 当前主席工作总结
- 曾经脑暴需求回顾
- Bot Friday Bot的职能
- 各职能的需求点
- 结构设计
报名本周活动 张璐 北科大研二学生 研究方向:闲聊机器人及评价方法
讨论内容: 生成式闲聊机器人的自动评价方法
- 基本能力评价-评价回复的合理性
- 词重叠评价方法
- 词向量评价方法
- 基于模型的评价方法
- 扩展能力评价
- 回复的多样性
- 闲聊机器人的个性特质
- 闲聊机器人的情感表达
- 闲聊机器人对话主题的深度和广度
- 综合能力评价
- 强化学习
- 闲聊机器人竞赛
报名本周活动 尹伯昊 奇绩创坛(原YC中国)实习生
姓名:Wilson 个人的一句话介绍:对认知思考感兴趣的产品经理 推荐人:李卓桓 分享话题:关于认知智能的思考
报名12.27活动,副主席;不参加after party
姓名:齐一燃 & 李承霖 报名12月27日活动 推荐人:尹伯昊(奇绩创坛)
李卓桓,BOT5会员 Conversational AI Ph.D. GPT-2小说生成爱好者
郭成凯,BOT5会员. GPT-2小说生成爱好者
报名本次活动 李佳芮,BOT5 会员,微信生态运营从业人员。