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Bot Friday 2021年第2次活动纪要 - Bot Friday
Bot Friday 2021年第2次活动纪要 - Bot Friday
« Bot5 2021年第1次活动纪要: Bot5 Season 2021 Episode 1 «
I, Yuqian Sun, is the Vice Chair of BOT5 seminar Bot Friday Season 2021 Episode 2.
I confirm that the Chair had followed the following steps in this seminar: Chair followed all the Chair Manual requirements Before Seminar During Seminar After Seminar Members followed all the Member Manual requirements Newcomers followed all the Newcomer Manual requirements
Yuqian Sun
Bot Friday 2021年第3次活动
时间:2021年5月21日晚 6:30 举办形式: 线上 Zoom + 线下 线下地址:句子互动,中关村智造大街G座 PNP 孵化器 天梦之谷
分享 1 - 5G消息平台分享
嘉宾:Corand 嘉宾简介:5G消息先锋大队中的一员
分享 2 - 企微SCRM的新机会
嘉宾:李佳芮(@lijiarui ) 嘉宾简介:句子互动创始人,《Chatbot 从0到1作者》作者 专注通过企微帮助企业在微信上更好的做生意。
1. 企微生态介绍
2. 基于企业微信,如何搭建私域流量
3. 句子互动和联通的联合解决方案
姓名:李卓桓 BOT5会员:是 介绍:⁵G Chatbot 爱好者
After party: Y
姓名:尹伯昊 BOT5会员:是 介绍:正在尝试 Chatbot 的商业化
After party: Y
报名 (zoom)
姓名:梁皓然 BOT5会员:是 介绍:正在尝试Chatbot的商业化 +1
After party: N
姓名:牛阿敏 BOT5会员:否 推荐人:尹伯昊 介绍:正在尝试 Chatbot 的商业化
After party: maybe
姓名:Conrad BOT5会员:否 介绍:5G 消息 Chatbot 平台分享者
After party: Y
姓名:Philip BOT5会员:否 介绍:5G 消息 Chatbot 平台关注者
After party: Y
姓名:王先生 BOT5会员:否 介绍:5G 消息 Chatbot 平台关注者
After party: Y
@cnwatcher If you are not a member of the BOT5 Club, then you have to have a member to invite you to join.
Could you please provide your inviter's name in your registration reply? Thank you very much.
姓名:Leo Song BOT5会员:是 介绍:关注chatbot发展
After party: Maybe
As invited by 李佳芮 of 句子互动
On 21 May 2021, at 4:03 PM, scy1207-git @.***> wrote:
姓名:Leo Song BOT5会员:是 介绍:关注chatbot发展
After party: Maybe
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姓名:陈堰平 BOT5会员:否 介绍:希望招揽对微软认知服务感兴趣的团队成为微软合作伙伴
After party: Maybe