webui copied to clipboard
macOS Dock Icon
WebUI runs the web browser using this command:
open --new -a "Google Chrome.app" --args --user-data-dir="/Users/_USER_NAME_HERE_/.WebUI/WebUIChromeProfile" --no-first-run --no-proxy-server --safe-mode --disable-extensions --disable-background-mode --disable-plugins --disable-plugins-discovery --disable-translate --disable-features=Translate --bwsi --disable-sync --disable-sync-preferences --disable-component-update --allow-insecure-localhost --app=http://localhost:12345
After the window closes, macOS, by default, keeps the recently used app icons in the Dock. The user can click right and remove the icon, but this is certainly frustrating.
This issue exists in other popular software like Microsoft Visual Code (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/60579, https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/102975).
You can copy this command and paste it into your macOS terminal to quickly test it, and please if you find any fix/workaround please let us know. Thank you.
macOS WebView in WebUI v2.5.0 is considered a new option.